Chocolate Orpingtons Anyone?

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I looked briefly at Green Fire Farms website and it says they are in the midst of getting Chocolate.

He has a couple of other beautiful colors also.

I would seriously like to concentrate on one color if anyone else wants to for a gene pool. I have no problems with culling. I have raised Miniature Horses for 16 years and never hesitate to geld or sell to improve the breed and my herd. Quality is Quality.

I just need a good mentor and a few great chickens
ZephyrWoodsFarm, you are probably only a few hours drive from me. If you get these chocolates let me know! I've just started a lavender orpington project. I was planning to do the lavenders for a couple more years and then switch to something else. I could bring all the lavs to my mothers and she could officially take over that project, then I could focus on chocolates.
Hatching eggs after 30 day quarantine? Dang, that's not too good. Who, and how do they decide, decides which will be quarantined and which won't? And declaring them as Imported Food as well?

"They" certainly don't make it easy. Those chocolates are luscious though! Hope you can get it all worked out, look forward to seeing more of them.

There are some countries where eggs are required to be quarantined for 30 days. How this works is that the eggs are actually incubated and hatched in an approved quarantine area. After the chicks hatch, they are required to be quarantined for 30 days, then tested for a variety of diseases.

I imported hatching eggs from the UK in 2009 and did not require quarantine. Hatching eggs from most areas of the UK do NOT have to be quarantined.

You can get all the info you need requiring importing eggs here You can also call for more information. I found them to be very helpful.

The US does require the QT of hatching eggs from some countries but, that does NOT INCLUDE THE UK. As of rigth now, I haven't heard of ANYONE with chocolate orps.

There have been rumors for years of so and so that hatched them or a friend of a friend but, alas, they have yet to show themselves.

GFF does not have the chocolates yet.

And, no, crossing our fingers and hoping for the best is NOT an option
I would love to go and pick up but, I have my hands full here with two kids, a farm full of animals and a grouchy husband. We could all band together and send someone to do the transaction but, I was thinking more along the lines of a bank account that deals with international transactions such as this. We would all wire our money to that account and all be account owners... The funds would be released when the import center claims the birds. If anyone has any thoughts, concerns, bright ideas, please feel free to pm me.

So far we have 5 serious people who are able to do this. One person is in CA and there are a couple more semi-interested in CA so, two seperate shipments.. one to NY and one to LA is possible. I would like to place our order this month so they can be out of QT by Christmas.

Im waiting to hear back form the import center to see if it is possible to share QT and what EXACTLY are the vetting fees.

There are many folks pming asking about FDER (first dozen egg rights) and Im not sure how everyone feels about this. I was thinking of hooking up these folks with their closest importer and they could decide wethere they would like to do this. The first dozen (non-pullet and pre-tested for fertility) eggs would be picked up by the first right owner. Im not sure what the price should be but, was thinking around $300... or more... or could be up to the importers themselves. I would not suggest shipping these eggs at that high a price. I remember the black copper marans fiasco and how disapointed folks were after spending that much loot and getting eggs damaged by the PO.

Pipnpeeps, I am now a Marylander so.. I escaped the regime known as the WV NPIP program
The only place worse than there is VA

And, Im not sure the food requirement thing includes us... a question I will ask but, Im fairly sure.

I have a friend who's father is an importer-exporter of lumber and Im going to see how they go about payment. He says the funds aren't released typically until the goods have arrived.. im pretty sure the UK breeder will want some sort of good faith deposit as well... we'll just have to get more info on this. I want to make sure everyone is protected before we proceed.
One moment please..... I will check my book on Maryland...................

Must have a negative pullorum typhoid test 90 days before entry or come from an NPIP certified flock.
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a tid bit more info....

Import center said it was quite possible to share QT space if they are coming from the same breeder on same flight. so, that is AWESOME NEWS! It won't be 20 for the entire flock per day but, it will be greatly lessened. Vetting fees are app. $50 for up to 5 birds. So, we can save and incredible amount of money by sharing this order.... I am so very glad I posted

The first step is seeking out a protective way to make payment.

next step is commitment from everyone involved.

then, filing for our permit $141 (to be shared equally by each importer)

If you want in, let me know.. Im thinking we'll place the order on Friday, the 19th and he'll ship on Monday.

eta: PnP, Im sure they will test for pollorum-thyphoid while in QT... pretty sure
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well, tell them to come forward so we can buy from them and not have to go through all this hassle. If they're chicks ....they're still almost a year from breeding them.
what are you thinking on total costs per bird now?

And I agree I wish I knew if someone was interested in selling some eggs in the US

Black Brook Poultry - we will definitely have to talk!!!
Eggs imported from Great Britain dont have to be quarantined according to the latest Aphis page.
Poultry hatching eggs imported from countries designated as free of END

The following countries are considered by the USDA to be free of exotic Newcastle disease: Australia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man), Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Hatching eggs imported from these countries are not required to be quarantined. However, the hatching eggs must be accompanied by a veterinary health certificate issued by a national government veterinarian of the exporting country as well as by a USDA import permit (see exception for Canada below).​
I missed the head hauncho at the import center today... will try again tomorrow. I won't have an exact number until I see what the combined rate for QT will be. He may even say for us to give him a day that the birds would arrive and, wether there is space to combine them in a large pen, will depend on what else they are QTing. I will give him Tue the 23rd as a tentative day. If we can't get them in on that day... we'll want to push to more like the 26th so we can pick them up right after Christmas. Im calling the airlines tomorrow as well and get an idea of airfare. We will have exact amounts then.

A good option for those that live close together is to share a pair. You could share expenses, houseing them and babies... just a thought. I don't know of anyone out that way whom is seriously talking about doing it.
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