Chocolate Orpingtons Anyone?

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too bad the eggs can't able to be shipped to the US
We would probably have a big bidding competition
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I'm so torn here. I'd love to get in on a bird, but can't swing $1800.

Anyone want to go halvsies with me? I have the perfect breeding program setup here, I'm NPIP and AI tested and certified, and I have the stock to go forward with a program!! A single bird of either gender could launch us!


PM me.
I've been looking at some bantam chocolate wyandottes in a book I have.... BEAUTIFUL orps but I'm trying to stick with bantam wyandottes
This summer I talked to a chocolate orpington breeder from the UK about importing. She said she has sent 3 shipments of eggs over here (without the proper paperwork) and they all had a good hatch. Maybe she was lying to me. I wouldn't want to be the person responsible for importing a disease and I certainly wouldn't want to get caught and have my flock destroyed. But if she wasn't lying, who has these birds?
I missed the head hauncho at the import center today... will try again tomorrow. I won't have an exact number until I see what the combined rate for QT will be. He may even say for us to give him a day that the birds would arrive and, wether there is space to combine them in a large pen, will depend on what else they are QTing. I will give him Tue the 23rd as a tentative day. If we can't get them in on that day... we'll want to push to more like the 26th so we can pick them up right after Christmas. Im calling the airlines tomorrow as well and get an idea of airfare. We will have exact amounts then.

A good option for those that live close together is to share a pair. You could share expenses, houseing them and babies... just a thought. I don't know of anyone out that way whom is seriously talking about doing it.

I think my parents woud kill me if I asked to get chocolate orpingtons, hmm maybe ask for a combined Christmas/Birthday present?
I am not lookin but enjoying this thread. I love to see the regained interest in all varieties of Orpingtons. Show more pics!
Whoever it was isn't going to say a word about their birds until somebody legally imports them.

Then the folks who did it the dirty way will speak up, claiming their stock originated from the ones who did it legally is my best guess.
How long would it take to breed these bantams in standard sized Chocolate Orps? Only a few generations?
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