Chocolate Orps have landed in the States!

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Really.. I agree. I know nothing about the chocolate color orps and can't say I'm as excited as everyone else seems to be, but goodness, I'm excited that those who do like them are going to get a chance at them. I've never understood the jealousy thing. If I have something I like, I want to share and have others enjoy it too.

I do enjoy seeing all the pictures of the new Orps and I hope those of you who do raise them will be as supportive and as nice explaining things to us dummies as Jody has been with explaining her Lavs.
Tony I see you have Mottleds. IF I had your hand I would take my best Mottled cock/cockerel to these hens/pullets and go after a Mottled Choc/Brown Orp. I seen some pics of them from overseas and I like the look. I can see that being one of the funner project you could do. Good luck!
Well people, here's the guy that imported the chocolate bantam orpingtons. I see that there is a lot of commotion going on and questions asked. Feel free to ask me a question and I will reply as best as I can.
My one and only goal of importing these magnificent birds was having them here in the USA, I just like them a lot and they are almost impossible to find here in the States, I mean the English standard orpington. I will certainly be sharing as much as possible ( the birds need to cooperate) these beautifull and majestic animals with other chicken enthousiasts.
Feel free to ask.
Congrats on getting your birds. Hope one day it gets easier to have access to such beautiful birds across the Pond. I love the Uk type Orps which most everyone already knows. They make me smile.
It's not difficult if you know how to do it, it took me allmost a year to have them here due to the ignorance of officials from the departments over there. It does cost quite some money tough.
Sorry for my english, I'm from Belgium, still learning...
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