chooks laying down?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 10, 2011
Hi i am new to keeping chickens, had mine about a month now, have 4 girls, they are giving me three eggs a day and i have had my first double yolker! they have their layers pellets/mash every day as well as all sorts of goodies, mealworms, sunflower seeds, blueberries, lettuce, cabbage etc. the one at the bottom of the pecking order ( crown hardly there and not red yet) seems well but now and then just lays down.. today all four were just lying down in their run, as i went towards them they hopped up and came running but a friend said her hens dont lie down. should i be worried when otherwise they are looking great? (could it be i am feeding them too much?)
My pullets love lying down on their sides and sunbathing on occasion. They also like roosting on a rubbermaid tote up against my patio door throughout the day. There is probably nothing wrong with your chicken unless she's down for most of the day (when the other chickens are running around) or she's not eating well.
Mine sprawl out on their sides at times. It makes your heart skip a beat and think something is wrong. But nope, just stretching out, sometimes enjoying a dust bath too
thank you, they seem to be as usual now its bedtime... i do provide a cat litter tray with soil in every day, (dont know why cos althought they do use it a lot they still make their own too!) maybe they sense that winter is just around the corner so they best sunbathe while they can!?
they love to sunbathe! and sometimes they just kind of lay down really close to each other for a while- almost snuggling. i wouldn't worry
Mine like to sunbathe, also. They settle into the dirt and almost look like they are nesting in the ground (sometimes in groups). This is usually on sunny days, though.
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