Christmas pranks

I kinda of indentify with this! I used to get presents wrapped in all sorts of boxes. One time my older brother Walt gave me a present in a tv box. I was used to these boxes cause after all we didn't really have the money to buy reg. boxes, well imagine my surprise it was REALLY a honest to good tv! My ex-stepmother used to wrap presents in newspaper comics! She give us rolls of toilet paper and such. My Dad bless his soul would very carefully un-wrap presents and then go around collecting the paper, not to throw away but to save it for next year! I know these aren't pranks, just very unusal Christmas habits!
Good stories everyone
Don't know why I was thinking about the "old days" when I was younger.
Guess it's the time of yr.
My sis has chilled out alot now, not so fussy.She's 43 & just had another kid in August .

TxChiknRanchers, that sounds so nice,but I don't think that would ever happen. Lots of water under the bridge.
I have a mean one ! Put a piece of christmas tree tinsle on the micowave door the glass part. It looks like it has a big crack in it ! ( works only on the dark color ones ).
I am evil I know hehhehehe.
Have Fun
Merry Christmas
Our family has the most UGLY candle holder - made of shiny metal - its just UGLY - and we pass it around each christmas - who ever got it last year, will wrap it up nice and pretty and someone else will get it.... we try put it in odd shaped boxes etc.. so nobody will know till they open it - that THEY got it this year.
Hi, everybody. I gave my brother a log once! It was because he really liked the cartoon Ren & Stimpy and on the cartoon was a cartoon commercial called Log, so I found the cartoon and learned the words and printed them out for him to go with his log, then I gave him a few tapes of the cartoon. I think I also had a hunting knife or something like that for him too! He got a real kick out of that one! My older brother would go to the junk yard for gifts for us! It was fun to see what we would get!
I'm having a hard time this year, my Dad passed away last Aug.06 and since then his wife and my DH had gotten in a spat ,and he hasn't really spoken to me says he has to support his wife and all. Still don't know how I turned out to be the bad guy!
Anyway this will be the first year without him Christmas eve in 35 yrs, I feel lost not only my Dad but my brother as well! It's hard not to feel blue this time of year.
Take care,
Every other year (so they aren't expecting it) I get my 2 nieces with the box-in-a box-in-a box, etc., sometimes up to 5 boxes to get to their present.
They get more and more frustrated and more frantic with each box.
This is the year again--I have about a dozen boxes I think will work...I'm giving them gift cards so I'll have a really small box to start with.
I have as much fun anticipating their reactions as I do wrapping each box (in different paper). That's my Christmas entertainment!!
I kinda of indentify with this! I used to get presents wrapped in all sorts of boxes. One time my older brother Walt gave me a present in a tv box. I was used to these boxes cause after all we didn't really have the money to buy reg. boxes, well imagine my surprise it was REALLY a honest to good tv! My ex-stepmother used to wrap presents in newspaper comics! She give us rolls of toilet paper and such. My Dad bless his soul would very carefully un-wrap presents and then go around collecting the paper, not to throw away but to save it for next year! I know these aren't pranks, just very unusal Christmas habits!

I can identify with THAT! My FIL uses the inner foil bag from Familia cereal and my brother always wraps his gift cards in aluminum foil. A couple of years ago we gave him a roll (wrapped in Christmas paper).
a few years ago i put coal in a shoebox and wrapped it 4 my little bro he was 8 at the time and he freaked out lol. then i got smaked by mom.
A few times my dad did something to slow us down, or so he said. He did not want the unwapping to be done in 15 minutes so he hand made wooden boxes, all the joints screwed, then put that in a cardboard box with a screwdriver and then gift wrapped that box. And some boxes were triple wrapped with duct tape under the gift wrap, some were just in so many boxes it took forever anyway.

It worked, us kids learned to be a bit more mature and slow down, enjoy the experience, take a breather and watch someone else unwrap. I had never noticed how much fun that was. As the youngest it had not dawned on me yet when he did this.
I just love all these stories. What fun you all have with eachother.

My great grandmother used to knit me and my brothers a new pair of booties each year. You know, like baby booties, but she just kept making them bigger through the years as we grew older. They look so ridiculous! But I kept the booties and I'm glad I did because I miss her. She may have been the only one to ever knit booties for adults. Lol.

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