Chronic shell-less eggs

Thanks to all for your support! I was able to get Rosie to eat scrambled eggs with calcium yesterday. Today, I got liquid calcium and fed 1 ml to her on watermelon. I also got layer feed to mix with my grower feed to increase the overall calcium level of my flock while I wait for the littles to mature a little more. No soft shelled eggs today but Rosie was (and still is) in the nesting box. I'm not forcing her out because I suspect she's uncomfortable and don't want to make her roost with the others if that's the case.
Well ... I'm still getting semi-regular soft-shelled or shell-less eggs. And I think they are all from Rosie. These seem to be days when I have an "extra" egg -- one more than I have laying hens and late in the day. So I think Rosie has a tendency to release two yolks in one day, too close together, and cannot produce the second shell.

All my girls are on layer feed, have oyster shell on the side and get calcium-rich snacks (with crushed tums). Could it still be a calcium issue? Or is this an egg producer issue?

Is there anything I can do? Or just keep an eye out for EYP symptoms?

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