City Girl on Country Farm EIEIO


6 Years
May 31, 2013
Hi everyone, my name is Liz and I live in upstate NY...well that's if 60 miles north of NYC classifies as upstate. I grew up in Brooklyn until I was 16 and my parents said enough of the city let's get out of here. That was some ^$&* years ago. I have been stalking this forum, soaking up all the info about chickens I can. You see, I left my full time job as a NYS EMT and started our own photography business, which both my husband and I both own. This is now my full time job and my husband helps on the weekends.
So, you're thinking, how is this related to chickens. Well, I had a brainstorm of an idea this spring to offer "Easter Sessions" which includes "live" chicks. It actually worked out GREAT...we were busier than any other month. But, now, hmmm what do I do with these adorable little chicks. Now the second brainstorm idea, raise them!
We have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Delawares, 1 Australorp, 1 Silver Laced, and 2 Golden Laced all about 10-12 weeks old, and just recently acquired 2 laying Silver Laced from someone looking to stop raising them. I stumbled across this forum when I was searching the net about how to raise them, and have learned so much already. Thanks for all the info.
Now back to looking at all the awesome looking coops. We have one but I'm thinking about renovations already...hubby is rolling his eyes.
Welcome it's great to have you here! I'm a dog and cat groomer going to start my photography business as well! I love raising chickens.
Easter photos with chicks was a great idea. I hope the kids didn't mangle them.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. Drumstick Dive, the kids were pretty good with the chicks. We had a dozen chicks at the time so we rotated them for the pictures. Trying to convince hubby that next year we should get a lamb and baby goat for Easter Sessions. He is dead set against it...hmmm I have a year to work on him.

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