cleaning and prepping - phesant help please...!


De Regenboog Kippetjes
13 Years
Apr 7, 2010
the hunters were inthe area today and one of their dogsjumped over into our garden, killing 2 chickens. the hunter was really apologetic for not having his dog under control by our house and gave us 2 freshly shot phesants as an apology.....but ive never prepared phesant before...what do i need to do?

do i need to let it hang? or bleed it? when can i pluck ? what bits of phesant do people eat?? whats the time frame for cleaning these birds after being shot? any help greatly appreciated!!!!
Prepare it just like a chicken more or less :)
I personally like to wrap them in bacon with sweet jalapeno peppers and cream cheese and grill them. Pheasant is kinda between quail and chicken as far as taste goes.

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