Clear or colored corrugated plastic sheeting on top of run?


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Northen Va
I know some will use clear, some will use a dark color

What is more advisable

I was thinking a dark color for sun protection

But then the importance of sunlight- clear?

Then thinking..even if it's dark colored.. Sunlight stillnhas a tendency to come thru the sides..etc as the sun changes over head during the day

What do you all suggest?
If it is a smallish walk-in-height run, I do not think it makes any real difference in run temperature, although shade is generally better than no shade. (Note that it is not that hard to make a clear roof semi-opaque for summer shade, whereas opaque roofing material is opaque all year round)

For a low (2-3' high) or very extensive run, you will get some extra greenhouse effect under clear roofing in August as opposed to under opaque roofing, so I would suggest avoiding clear roofing in those situations in hot-summer areas.

Good luck, have fun,

My coop has the smoke colored on the roof...I have been very happy with it...It allows plenty of light in while cutting the extreme heat out!...My 4' x 4' coop is always cool in there even thought the temps outside are high...I would do it again!
I put a regular roof on mine. I wish I had used the clear. My summers are cool and I need the sun more. I had already used too much money to tear the roof out, so my husband cut a square out and put in clear. It was not enough. Sometimes we just have to learn through trial and error. This has been very true for me. I am still making minor changes to my coop even though I thought I had planned it very carefully. This is o.k. with me but it drives my husband nuts!

How about white? It still is light and bright underneath, but the white color reflects heat rather than absorbs it as a dark color roof would do.

The other factor to consider from the chicken's point of view is psychological cover. I notice my flock likes to hang out under bushes, trees, the shade tarp in their tractor even when it isn't hot or sunny out, etc. I think they instinctively don't like being out in the open because that means they're visible to raptors.

I have smoked clear panels on our last run simply because I had some left over and wanted to use them. This run is shaded in the summer by large trees that are now leafless. I noticed my flock was hanging out inside the coop a lot, so I shoved a bunch of bamboo branches up under the roof to make it seem to them that they were under the cover of trees. Problem solved...chickens are now spending their day outside in the run.

I have another run roofed with the white panels and the chickens never seem nervous being out in this run.
I personally would not use clear. I'd go with a darker one for shade. Maybe a smokey one, or one clear panel inserted as a skylight if the entire top of the run is to be covered in this manner. Since this is over the run, and not the coop, it won't turn it into an oven, as runs are usually more ventilated than the coop.

Using the clear panels on a coop is not adviseable, IMHO, as it can turn the coop into an oven during summer and be detrimental to the chooks.
For whatever it's worth, I've got the translucent white Suntuf on my Sussex run (I believe they call the color "pearl" but it's the 80%-or-whatever opacity white stuff) and really like it. A nice glow comes thru (important as this is on the E side of the chicken building and doesn't get a lot of direct sun) but not direct glaring harsh sunlight. I mean I still would not use it as a COOP roof, but for a run it is nice.

I put clear on my run because we have such rainy winter/springs the chickens spend a lot of time under cover and they really enjoy the sun brakes. That said, I plan to plant some big banana trees next to their coop this summer for shade. (Yes, the bottoms of the bananas will be protected from the birds eating them) If you are in full sun, I'd use white or smoke.

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