Cleveland, OH newbie introduction

!!! I'm in North Ridgeville and I agree - build bigger than you think you'll need because it is very addicting!! We built our coop in the side/corner of the garage - just walled it off. My yard is fenced so they can go out and play (once the snow melts!!) I have buff orpingtons here, and DBF has barred rocks, Rhode Island Reds, black stars & red stars. I also raise jumbo coturnix quail. I got my BO's from Meyer last June and am very pleased with them. We sell chicks and hatching eggs too.

Enjoy the site and you'll become as addicted as the rest of us in no time!!
simple! Hello and

I received an order from Meyer last year and my chicks are beautiful! Their buff orpingtons and very pretty, and they are very sweet and lay eggs for me like crazy!

Welcome to this great forum! Enjoy!
Hi simple I'm from near youngstown too. I bought from meyer two years ago and they have nice birds, don't think you will be disappointed. Build a bigger coop, because this is very addicting and believe me you will want more chickens.
Hey I live in Aurora, you know how I can find out if I can keep Chickens in this area? We just moved here from Pa, Wv, Oh state line (Rogers, OH) and lived at the house I grew up in with 350 acres. I've been keeping Chickens all my life, and would like to know if I can in this area. We miss our property out there and now live in a house with a tiny yard. Can you help me?
Aurora is a city, so you will have to check with your local zoning inspector or read the zoning restrictions yourself. There could also be additional restrictions if you are in a zoned subdivision or are a member of a homeowner's association. A quick check of the aurora city website reveals your zoning inspector is:

Al Hall Planning & Zoning Inspector (330) 562-9564 [email protected]

Many people who find that keeping chickens is prohibited do it anyway, just without roosters and either without flaunting it or after ensuring the neighbors wouldn't care enough to complain. Sometimes free eggs to neighbors helps!

I moved from Strongsville to the Township of Richfield where the right to farm law protects me from zoning ordinances that I find too restrictive. It wasn't the motivating factor for the move, but it is a nice perk. Good luck!

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