Clipped beak on pullet question.

Oh I am sure she IS loving it! Realizing what horrible conditions the chickens are kept in, who lay our eggs and give us meat, just made my stomach churn and made me want to raise my own food! The horrible way they mistreat them, painful debeaking with no pain meds, crowding, no fresh air, no room to be a chicken......It is sooo sad. So I have my first flock this year and have 11 hens, the oldest ones should start laying any day now!!! We are SOOO excited! You should start a story thread about her new life on pictures and stories and let us all know how she adapts to life and all the fun things she learns to do!
Here is a photo of my baby that I adopted. She is a cutie and is loving being free to roam around the yard.

Doesn't it just make you feel great to see her all cozy in those plants? You can almost feel her sighing a big sigh and taking in the smells and fresh air! LOVE IT!!!
It's difficult for my debeaked chickens to peck anything hard. I feed them crumble and pellets.. which they seem to scoop up w/what's left of their beaks. Also, they like grapes, bananas and bread. They do clip grass and clover off with what beaks they have. My hens look like yours. They're a cross between a RIR and a white leghorn and are very gently hens. I now have 9 layers out of 12..waiting on the last 3 to start.
I wish I would have known about debeaking before ordering them. I would have specifically said do not debeak. The people at the local feed store didn't even mention it when I made the order. Anyway I now have 12 lovely debeaked hens and 1 handsome debeaked rooster.

Sometime I'll get pics posted!

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