Cloaca problem??

Jun 2, 2023

So I have this little lavender mystery bantam. I’m guessing Serama or OEGB. Anyway, I went to check on them this evening and he was hunched over away from everyone and this is what his cloaca looks like. It almost looks like he wants to prolapse? After gently wiping the dried feces off (with warm water) he pushed so hard his sex organs popped out!! It’s definitely bothering him, you can tell he’s been picking at it bc his beak is covered in the runny poops. He’s been getting medicated feed and probiotics in his water, so I’m clueless as to what this is. Any ideas?
Age? You could give him in an Epsom Salt soak, may help feel better. It's possible the dried poop was causing a block and uncomfortable. You say he has runny poop, could you get a picture ... You're putting probiotics in the water, is it possible to put another waterer with plain water for them. Are they kept confined or outside?
Was the poop around it vent from runny poops? Is it lethargic and puffed up as a chick with coccidiosis? Will it eat and drink? How old is it? If this seems like a possibility, I would get some Corid and start it in its water. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days.
Age? You could give him in an Epsom Salt soak, may help feel better. It's possible the dried poop was causing a block and uncomfortable. You say he has runny poop, could you get a picture ... You're putting probiotics in the water, is it possible to put another waterer with plain water for them. Are they kept confined or outside?
He’s about 6 weeks old. the group just got moved outside about 3 days ago, but they are separate from the adult flock. there was nothing blocking the cloaca when I found him, but I can tell he has runny poop bc it was all over his feathers and was clumping them together. I’d get a picture but he’s with a group and I wouldn’t be able to decipher which poops are his lol. I will take away the probiotic water and give them plain. And I will definitely try the epsom bath tonight. Do you have any idea as to why it’s pushed out so far? I didn’t get a picture when it happened but it almost turned inside out when I wiped it😬 Thank you so much!
At that age I would consider coccidiosis and treating with Corid. Symptoms are lethargy or sleepiness, no appetite, runny poops, puffed up or hunching.
My first thought was also coccidiosis. however, I just treated them with Corid a few days before they went outside. I’m thinking he’s seriously constipated or impacted as there’s a really large hard mass in his abdomen, and he really struggles when attempting to poop. Does anyone have any home remedies for constipation?
After gently wiping the dried feces off (with warm water) he pushed so hard his sex organs popped out!! It’s definitely bothering him, you can tell he’s been picking at it bc his beak is covered in the runny poops. He’s been getting medicated feed and probiotics in his water, so I’m clueless as to what this is. Any ideas?
The testes in male chickens sit along the back near the kidneys, so you did not see sex organs, you saw a prolapsed vent.

If he's constipated, then I'd give him 1 tsp coconut oil twice a day.
See that he's drinking really well and offer him wet feed to eat.

You treat for Coccidiosis before they went outside? Were they have issues then?

I still would consider giving him Corid.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
I had treated them for coccidiosis after I started putting them outside on warmer days to transition them. I noticed a few had signs of coccidiosis so I treated the whole group for about 5 days(2tsp liquid Corid per gallon) and then 4 days ago I moved them outside and gave them the electrolyte/probiotics water that I’ve since switched for plain water. They cocc. symptoms had a since stopped until yesterday morning when this baby seemed sick. I think he has a clay/mulch impaction as our soil is heavily brown clay and tree litter. I’ll be giving him coconut oil twice a day and continue updating, thank you!

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