closing windows??


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
At what temps do you close up your coop?? We have two windows that have been open (and a fan in one that I run when it's above 85*) since, we got them, mid July! The windows are on each end wall--so there is free movement of air...

My coop is 10' (door wall)x7' (window walls), the roost is even with the windows but not directly in front of them....

So, do you close your windows and open them each day, do you wait until it's really cold and leave them shut.. I am in NC--- Thanks.
I only close off free flow of air from the sides that would cause a potential draft that could make them ill. For instance, we had windy wet conditions that the girls were huddled in the corner of the coop to avoid. I closed the windows on a couple of sides to eliminate drafts leaving one full wall open and they settled right down and got comfortable. The strong, wet, draft was the issue.

On another thread, this subject was discussed at length. 40 degrees was a pretty good number that they felt was necessary before closed them up at all and many left it open well below freezing, as long as it is free of drafts.

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