Cloudy egg whites


9 Years
Feb 17, 2015
Kitsap County, Western Washington
Hi I've had two eggs like this in the past few days I'm assuming it was the same hen. I did a search and the only thing I came up with is dissolved carbon dioxide or just really fresh eggs. Does anyone know any more about this?
I got squeamish and couldn't eat them. lol
There's actually a few layers that make up the white of an egg. Sometimes the inner one is cloudy like that. There's nothing wrong with except visually.
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There's actually a few layers that make unrequited of an egg. Sometimes the inner one is cloudy like that. There's nothing wrong with except visually.
Thank you @oldhenlikesdogs ! Have you seen these before? I guess I got extra creeped out because my chickens have a roundworm infestation and my gross out tolerance is low!
I fixed my stupid autocorrected answer. :)

I do see some cloudy egg whites. It seems a hen either makes them or they don't, so it must be something about the individual hen.

They are fine to eat. If you are squeamish about egg eating like I am, than do as I do and try another egg and feed the cloudy ones to the dog or chickens.

From my reading on eggs, it may be due to the ph of the egg. The proteins in egg whites can change consistency due to heat or ph. So perhaps it has something to do with that. I have read the carbon dioxide explanation, but if that was the case all fresh eggs would be cloudy and they aren't all that way. It's just one of those quirks you have to adapt to getting your own eggs. Those in the stores are so sorted, and divided into perfect and not perfect and we have come to think every egg is the same, when they are not.

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