Clown white faced Spaniards


7 Years
Oct 5, 2012
Hi Chicken Friends,
Can anyone offer any advice on the Clown White faced Spaniards. I have a Rooster and Hen the rooster was miss sexed it was supposed to be a pair named Lucy and Ethel so now its Ricky and Lucy, There does not seem to be much information about them. Does anyone else here have this rare breed? Any information would be appreciated.
Maybe the seller misunderstood you or vice versa. Pairs are usually sold as 'breeding pairs," a male and a female or in 'trios' which is two hens and a rooster.

I've never heard of that variety but, I believe there is a white faced black Spanish. Maybe that is what you are referring to. Yon can put that in the search and find that way (I just tried it and it worked)
Thanks for the info. They do have various names although they are the same breeds. I will look under your suggestion. Thanks.

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