Cluck cluck from Stanwood, WA


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 4, 2014
Any idea's as to how to keep my girls water from freezing every night? This is probably one of the silliest questions I could introduce myself to y'all with, but I'm willing to risk it. Have tried a few things, smaller pans, etc. but am wondering if there's a more creative way to address this.
Also, if I shut them up for the night, what is their thirst tolerance? I'm not talking leaving them cooped up (I couldn't resist) for days, just wondering about their varied tolerances. I know that they do fine in cold weather, but any info that you can furnish will be much appreciated. Thanks alot.
Also, if I shut them up for the night, what is their thirst tolerance? I'm not talking leaving them cooped up (I couldn't resist) for days, just wondering about their varied tolerances. I know that they do fine in cold weather, but any info that you can furnish will be much appreciated. Thanks alot.

No such thing as a silly question around here. Trust me, I've already asked most of them including this one. The chooks should be just fine overnight without water :) Water in the coop itself, especially in winter, is an invitation to a yucky, unhygienic, and potentially icy coop. Your chooks need to stay dry!

Oh, and welcome to BYC! Come on over to the Washington thread and introduce yourself to the rest of us PacNW chicken keepers :)

I don't bother with water over night as the birds are sleeping and not drinking anyway. But you can use heated water bases or heated waterers. Heated dog bowls work well too. Just be careful that you set these things on cement blocks and not directly on bedding as they can start fires.

Enjoy all your poultry adventures!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4 chickens don't need water at night since they don't eat/drink in the dark. I have really come to like the heated dog bowls for water, on concrete/brick... if your coop set up is such that can put it right outside the coop instead of inside the coop, it really helps keep things a lot dryer also.
Thanks to all for your help, and for the warm welcome.
This is what I woke to this morning, and thought I'd share my view of Mt. Rainer.

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