Clueless Chickens ? Do they need an intervention?


11 Years
Apr 1, 2012
Hi. Last Thursday, May 11, I picked up 7 pullets between 18 and 20 weeks old. They are a cross between Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns. I've purchased these birds from the same farm on two previous occasions. All previous pullets have adjusted to their coop, water supply and food with no problems.... I might add that these are my only chickens at this point. These girls arrived to a sanitized and reinforced coop and enclosed outdoor space. So, here is my concern. From the beginning these pullets have behaved oddly. There has been absolutely no effort to establish a "pecking order". There is no leader. The first night all birds went to roost in the enclosed outdoor area. They remained on the roost until 10:00 am the next day when I went out to see them. They ran away from me into the coop and remained there all day with no interest in exploring their surroundings! They never touched the water until I went out there and began dripping water from the little red cups on day 2. The food is in the coop and the water is in the outdoor area. This is day 4 and unless I am present the pullets will remain together either "in" or "out". I am mostly home so I can observe their behavior. So far, unless I get them out they don't drink water!?? When I do get them out they all try to inhale the water and squabble for access to the two cups. They have 24 hours to get a drink, but do not! They are eating because the level of the food in the dispenser is dropping. They appear healthy, have no visible injuries, bright eyes and feathers...Does any one have a similar experience or a suggestion? There is no fighting. When in the outdoor kennel they scratch around and act like chickens(sort of). I've been at this for 10 years and this is a new one for me. Thanks in advance !!

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