Coastal NC Chicken Newby


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2016
Newport, NC
Hello everyone,
I live on the coast of NC and am fairly new to keeping chickens. My start is probably similar to others... my daughter, being in our FFA at school, wanted to do a project with chickens. So, we started small with a Tractor Supply Company coup with a few small bantam chickens. Soon, those chickens got larger, started laying, and now we have built a double enclosed coup with 4 Silkies and a mottled cochin bantam hen on one side, and 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Golden Comets, 2 Isa Brown hens, an Easter Egger, (and 1 EE rooster that was a surprise) on the other side. As you can image, they keep me busy.
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased you joined us! Sounds like you have a great starter flock. But beware of chicken math!

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