cocci. only one chick left


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2019
im having the worst luck. 4 chicks have died from what im pretty sure was cocci. it happened quite quickly within 2 days of getting the chicks so i dont think they are getting sick here, but came to me already ill :(. now i only have one chick and 4 adult chickens. i want to get a friend for the solo chick of the same age (4 weeks), but im sick of the heartbreak of losing these little ones. suggestions?!
If it was me, I'd find someone selling started pullets in the area and pick some that are close in age/size to the one you have left. I'd probably put corid in the water for the first week with them to play it safe. I'd also do a deep clean of the brooder before putting the new chicks in it.

Cocci are in the environment, pretty much everywhere, and the chicks pick it up, and ultimately develop a tolerance to it. Most of your adult chickens probably have some level of it in their systems and in the dirt in their run, but it does not make them ill. Young chicks are just particularly vulnerable to everything it seems.
Most of your adult chickens probably have some level of it in their systems and in the dirt in their run, but it does not make them ill. Young chicks are just particularly vulnerable to everything it seems.

To clarify: You can get the same thing if you move an adult chicken from a location with one variant of cocci to another location with a different variation of cocci. So I would definitely dose any new birds with corid as well, not just the surviving chick.
This is also why they sell medicated chick starter, they know this is something that pretty much all chicks are exposed to and vulnerable to.

I'm sorry, I know this does not make your loss any easier. I lost 2 of my 5 of my first ever chickens at a very young age. I felt like I'd totally failed and perhaps wasn't cut out to have chickens. I learned a lot and tried to accept that chicks are weak and vulnerable and despite doing everything we can, some cannot survive. It is not your fault. I treated all for cocci and treated all for the respiratory issue that went through my flock and added in some new flock mates which were easily accepted because all were young and close in age/size, and the new ones never got the illnesses that the original girls had, and a few years later they are still here and still laying and still getting along.

It will get better. It will get easier. Start your pullet hunting online or find a local swap and get excited about the new chicks you get to pick out!

Give your lone chick a stuffed animal or something until she has some buddies too.
Good luck to you. I am a first time chicken owner, our 3 chicks are about a week old and one is not thriving (about 2/3 in size of others). So I'm thinking of switching back to medicated feeder and going back to same hardware store to get another one week replacement just in case we loose this one. I am learning so much in just the first 7 days!

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