coccidia vaccine + medicated feed


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Santa Cruz Mtns, CA
I am in the process of raising 25 chicks from a major hatchery, I had them give the coccidia vaccine (they recommended it). They informed me that the chicks must not receive medicated feed if they are vaccinated (no problem, I wanted to stay away from the medicated stuff anyway). Problem: I just got to the bottom of their first bag, and when I noticed the new bag looked different I checked the ingredients on the old one - medicated - and they've eaten 50 lbs of the dang stuff!

Can someone explain to me how serious this is for them? Can they still be used for eggs? What about meat? Will they get sick? Will their quality of life be adversely affected? Do I need to keep them on medicated feed forever, or can I switch them now to the organic stuff?

Thanks for any help!
it's not serious, it just voids the vaccine they got at the hatchery, keep them on the medicated food now. You'll still be able to eat the eggs and meat. Don't sweat it.
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The hatchery said medicated feed would actually "deactivate" the vaccine (?), but that doesn't doesn't seem right to me science-wise. Will it hurt them to take them off medicated feed now? I only ask because in my area eggs from chickens on organic feed are more desirable, so it would be a bummer if we had just taken ourselves out of that market.
I've always heard that by giving them medicated food, it voids the vaccine. I heard it here last year..I wondered how that could be too... Try typing in the coccidal vaccine in the search area and see what comes up, I know theres been several dicussions about it. I hope that helps.
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So operating on the assumption that they are no longer immune, would I just be asking for trouble by using organic feed? What did pre industrial revolution chickens do about their coccidia?
I like the idea of doing organic - but the little gals deserve to be kept healthy. If it isn't safe for them to be switched back I will just have to deal with it.
Mine might be an unpopular opinion, but i think the best thing you can do is to start exposing your babies to the soil they'll live on - as early as possible. The earlier they encounter it, the more easily and more quickly they develop resistance to the strains you have in your soil. That's what the momma hen would do, and chicks raised by momma hens have fewer instances of coccidial overwhelming infestation.
Try this, Type in "should chicks be vaccinated" Its an old topic from this past November... on the 4th comment down, it talks about protecting them organtically.
Oh sweet! I did the search you recommended - very helpful. Thanks so much everyone for the input, and sorry for the redundant conversation thread. Next time I will search before I post.

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