Cochin chick feathering too fast?

JenEric Farms

16 Years
Oct 31, 2007
I have two mottled cochins that are a few weeks old. One seems to be feathering out just fine and at a normal rate while the other seems to have WAY TOO MANY feathers for his/her age. Her wings are so "heavy" with feather development that she is unable to walk around easily. Anybody every seen this?
I will post pics when I get home tonight. I have them on non medicated chick starter and they are both together with the same water and feed.

Her wing and feet feathers are very long and filled in compared to her brooder mate, but her body is the same size. It's very odd. I didn't know if this was something that was maybe a trait of the breed.
Cochin pullets will feather out much more quickly than cockerels. I have some month olds running around. I'll show you the difference when I get some pics.
Cochin pullets will feather out much more quickly than cockerels.

I 100% agree with this post, your the girls feather out much quicker in the wings and on the back(more evenly) then the males do:)


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