cochin hen does sideways shuffle and then attacks my blind mille fleur


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I usually separate my blind mille fleur hen from the flock but today I wanted to see if the other hens would tolerate the blind one. One bantam cochin hen did a sideways shuffle towards the mille and jumped on her for an attack. It was rooster behavior. I believe if I didn't take her off the mille she would have killed her. The cochin isn't an aggressive hen usually. Has anyone else experienced this kind of behavior towards a weak hen? I'm not sure what to do and any thoughts would be helpful.
Yes, chickens will attack what they consider a risk to the flock. You are right, she probably would have killed her.
Guess I'll have to cage her. When she was broody (in nest box) no one bothered her. Thanks for your input.

For her safety I'd keep her separated. We lost a very sweet EE just this past Sunday evening She was brutally pecked to death & she wasn't weak per say, just docile & what's worse is that everyone grew up together in the same coop & are only a week difference in age. She was OK & then within a matter of 2 hours my sweet lil pullet a bloody victim. Believe me, you don't wanna see that sweet baby like that :-(. I commend you that you still love & haven't given up on a bird that isn't "perfect". I'm physically disabled so reading this touched my heart.

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