Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE

Cochins or Orps

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Here's the speech about cochins!

Join the cochins! Cochins are complex little chickens who are adorably floofy! They have pom pom tails, round bodies, and floofy feet! They aren't just floofy and adorable but they also serve a purpose, their great parents and they get along with each other fairly well! Cochins have surprisingly complex personalities but they always mean well! However these chickens have an enemy...
The orpingtons or orps for short. Don't be fooled by their floofy appearance and seemingly friendly nature. They are sinister. They gain followers by brainwashing them using the floof of their orps. Orpingtons are pure evil disguised in adorable feathers.
Alright imma join cochins......

I still LOVE orps though! Ugh, I feel like I'm betraying buffy

Ginny is disgusted. (But she is happy that you still like Orpingtons.)

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