Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE

Cochins or Orps

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It wasn't just me where BYC wasn't working for ages right?
It quit for me too! I got this.

It wouldn't come on until this morning.
While I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not sure that I know what my wages are currently. However, if I couldn't do my best at any wage, what kind of butler would I be?
And this, this, is EXACTLY why you deserve a raise.
Good to know. You know, poison is a rather effective way of eliminating people who babble too much...
Another reason why you should get a raise.
You are indeed very helpful.

I read your entire last post in an English accent.
And then looked at your profile and realized that was not the accent I should be reading it in.
You are now an English -Texan butler in my head.
Woohoo! It is the first day of winter! Enjoy at your friends house :D. Happy first day of winter to you too
Thanks, you too! We're spending the night because it's 3 hours away, but it'll be so fun! They came all the way out to their grandparents house to spend Christmas from AZ. We've had this party planned for months, lol!
Now I just hope it snows
Me too! It sure feels like winter though.

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