Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE

Cochins or Orps

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I like big Buffs and I cannot lie.
I love buffs too...... Buff Cochins :D

Orps the Small Headed Chickens

You know Deleware and d’anver and Maran and frizzle

Serama and Orloff and Java and Buckeye

But do you recall

The most dumbest chicken breed of all?

Orps the tiny brained chicken breed

Have extremely tiny brains

And if you ever saw them

You would say they need to be slain

All of the senseless farmers

Are fooled by orps clean legs

They never let feathered legs

Have any glory at all

Then one foggy December day

Cochins came to say

"Orpingtons with your brain so small

Won't you come to my stew tonight?"

Then how the chickens loved Cochins

As they shouted out with glee

"The dumb orps are finally gone

You'll go down in history"

Orps the tiny brained chicken breed

Have extremely tiny brains

And if you ever saw them

You would say they need to be slain

All of the senseless farmers

Are fooled by orps boring legs

They never liked the feathered legs

'Cus they have really small orp lover heads

Then one foggy December day

The cochins came to say

"Orpingtons with your brain so small

Won't you come to my stew tonight?"

Then how the chickens loved Cochins

As they shouted out with glee

"The dumb orps are finally gone

You'll go down in history"

Here, my edits haha

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