Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE

Cochins or Orps

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I don't like bickering. Don't call me weak, its because I don't like hurting people. That's called cyberbullying, and its not nice.
Well we aren’t bullying each other. Everyone here is one of my best friends. But we do enjoy jokingly murdering and torturing each other.
Y'all can have fun, put plz leave me out of this. I have both kinds of chickens...
You don’t have to join if you don’t want too. Just please don’t be offended when we insult the other chicken breed, call it stupid, ugly, etc...

Ok, have fun playing *cough cough throwing poison daggers at each other cough cough*
We will. :)
And I can't join the battle... I'm already a ghost. I'll just haunt around and make sarcastic comments and stuff. I died in a factory assassination making poison darts.
Thanks for your sacrifice, it is much appreciated.
I was culled by both head assassins who thot I was a traitor for both sides but really I was on none.
Wait, me?? Never!
Is this sarcastic? I can't tell :idunno:p
Yes but rebellion against what? This thread dying?

(Edit: do you like my new signature :p)
This thread has changed: It's now between people who want to keep fighting (a mix of cochins and orps) and people who want peace (also a mix of cochins and orps). Us peacekeepers are hoping this thread dies: those rebels are slippery little critters.

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