Cock or hen??

Yeah, that's what I think... The tail feathers are almost identical, I know pictures aren't great but it's very difficult.. Only difference is the comb colours???
Usually, for pullets, their combs become bright red when they reach sexual maturity. I would assume the same for cockerels. You might just have a faster-maturing cockerel and a slower maturing one.
Usually, for pullets, their combs become bright red when they reach sexual maturity. I would assume the same for cockerels. You might just have a faster-maturing cockerel and a slower maturing one.
So could it not be possible that Mr redhead is the dominant cockeral? Surpressing the other?? Also will they fight? They seem to square up sometimes.
So could it not be possible that Mr redhead is the dominant cockeral? Surpressing the other?? Also will they fight? They seem to square up sometimes.
I would think so.

They might have a few small pecking order fights, but as long as they have enough hens, they should be good.
How many hens is enough?? Will they be fussy on breed?
Roosters don't care what breed the hens are. I've got a mixed flock, and to my rooster Solomon, a hen is a hen. (Now, he might have some favorites, but that's another story) Most here recommend 10 hens per 1 rooster, but with some roosters (depending on temperament) you can get away with less. Watch your hens. If they are always hiding, or if they are continually being chased by the boys, you'll probably want to get some more hens. Too much breeding can result in feather loss. Some members on here use hen saddles when they have a particularly excited rooster.

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