Cockerel being weird about cracked corn

Another update on this bizarre thread...and I daresay things are now somewhat weirder. And I mean Junior's situation - not even anything to do with fuzzy pants boy.

Junior can be called a rooster now but is still a derp about corn and seeds. This is the morning routine when I go out to have coffee with the chickens every day:
  • The scoop must have at least a little seeds or corn. Otherwise we all have a bad day.
  • Junior slams his face in the scoop and sends bits everywhere. Sometimes he does the really excited "bwahahaha!" type tidbitting noise as he makes a horrendous mess, but he's still gobbling plenty for himself.
  • After a short snack, he wants to either be picked up or jump on me and ride to the coffee-time-with-chickens chair.
  • Then he flings himself off of me, does a big dance back over, and gets a big hug...a big awkward hug because he's a biter ever if a friendly biter, so he has to face away from me...and then he makes a concerted effort to press his butt fluff against my cheek.
  • Then he takes a nap and I have to hold 7lbs of limp rooster dangling over the side of my arm for about 10min.
Now here is the best part. There is a time when Junior absolutely will not slam his face in the corn scoop: when he's on daddy duty with the chicks I'm currently integrating. Bringing his chicks out to him after the morning derp ritual puts Mr Junior into serious business mode and all this treat food bizarreness gets turned off like someone flipped a switch. So...this tells me it must have very little to do with nutrition at this point and that he's mostly being stupid with me because he enjoys being stupid with me.

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