Cockerel having trouble mounting


May 22, 2020
Santa Barbara, CA
I have a 25 week old cockerel who I’m trying to breed with two pullets. He’s a frizzled bantam Cochin and I believe that is one reason why he is having a bit of trouble.
Is there any way I can help him? He usually tries to hold on to the neck feathers, then can’t get up.
I have a 25 week old cockerel who I’m trying to breed with two pullets. He’s a frizzled bantam Cochin and I believe that is one reason why he is having a bit of trouble.
Is there any way I can help him? He usually tries to hold on to the neck feathers, then can’t get up.
He will get the hang of it.
He’s just clumsy, like a teenage boy. He will learn, and the hens will teach him. I had a bantam Cochin who mated no problem with my standard black sex links. His offspring was beautiful - a medium sized cockerel and a small pullet. He just needs time to figure it out.
Alright thanks! Do you know how long it might take? It’s been a long time since we had any frizzled boys, and we have some people who want us to hatch them some Cochins.

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