Cockerel temperament?

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Mar 9, 2023
My cockerel is 16 weeks and he is so bipolar this week I can only assume the hormones have or are setting in… I can’t touch him anymore without him ready to attack and heaven help me if I pick up one of his ladies 🙄 I just started trying to hand feed him tonight to build trust and it worked and then out of nowhere he would bite me or try to come for me. Will this be able to be turned around, could it just be the hormones and will he become gentler again or will things only get worse? My fear is that he will not let me get eggs or near any of the hens or attack one of the hens but they are free range and he’s a great blooming rooster when it comes to his girls.

Do you have any tips, does he need more space, more attending to or trust building? Has anyone been able to live in peace with with the aggressiveness of there rooster or were your roosters always kind to you from day one is it a matter of every cockerel goes through a period or some are just not as aggressive with people from the get go and the ones that are only get worse?
The hormone onslaught can cause chaos but he may calm down after puberty.
Don't hand feed him, that will likely make it worse.
How has he been raised so far?
I really hope he calms down I am so attatched to him he truly has been amazing up to now, we’ve handled him a lot, he’s free range, plenty of food water and clean conditions just a few days ago I was still able to pick him up to love on him and it’s like a flip of a switch 😔
This is not promising.

A likely candidate for permanent keeper status would be stepping away from you and keeping his distance rather than coming at you.
Oh nooo I hope not, I’m so afraid of that, so a potential sign he may be in a phase would be him backing off and maybe just watching over me rather than attacking?
it’s like a flip of a switch

I haven't had one go aggressive, but yes, that's how it is known to happen.

Oh nooo I hope not, I’m so afraid of that, so a potential sign he may be in a phase would be him backing off and maybe just watching over me rather than attacking?

It is very rare that a cockerel that goes aggressive can ever be reformed. You may find some articles about ways people have tried, but ...

Do you have children or do children ever visit your home? When a rooster attacks he jumps up and kicks with his spurs -- right at eye level on a child.

Would you keep a vicious dog? :(
I really hope he calms down I am so attatched to him he truly has been amazing up to now, we’ve handled him a lot, he’s free range, plenty of food water and clean conditions just a few days ago I was still able to pick him up to love on him and it’s like a flip of a switch 😔
Handling like petting, holding and letting him ride on you?
That usually convinces them that they're above you on the pecking order and when hormones flow, he's going to try to make sure you know it.
Of you have any kids or short people. He needs to go.
I don't like the sound of that behaver at all!
A cockerel that I want to keep, is one that even when at his most hormonal keeps out of my reach, doesn't annoy the hens or pullets, is polite and calm.
By the sounds of it, he is seeing you as another cockerel, not the care giver who is completely outside of the pecking order.
There are so many good cockerels out there, who never get a chance at having a flock of their own. Maybe give one of them a chance instead?
In the future, don't handle cockerels much, don't hand feed them. Let them grow up and learn about the world on their own, and most are better mannered. But all cockerels are different, and no matter how you raise them some will be great, and others will be nightmares.
I haven't had one go aggressive, but yes, that's how it is known to happen.

It is very rare that a cockerel that goes aggressive can ever be reformed. You may find some articles about ways people have tried, but ...

Do you have children or do children ever visit your home? When a rooster attacks he jumps up and kicks with his spurs -- right at eye level on a child.

Would you keep a vicious dog? :(
😔 I’m going to keep researching but it’s not sounding promising, neither of my dogs are aggressive but I do have a beagle who is an avid barker and incredibly determined when she finds any animal she “runs them down” but we don’t use her as a hunting dog she’s just a family pet and she’s never met or seen our chickens we put them on the opposite side of the property to prevent scaring them or her getting excited we have part of our land fenced for the dogs so she can’t run away or get to them, and I have 2 small kids but the confusing part is when my son goes in with me or we are with the chickens never once has the cockerel gone for or shown aggression towards him yet (not saying it won’t happen and I surely won’t be taking chances the first sign of anything towards my kids he’s gone) but it seems to be mostly taken out on me and my husband for handling the hens? But it could also be I’m always in between the rooster and my son and I have told him don’t go near him or any of the hens he’s over
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