cockroaches in coop


In the Brooder
May 23, 2015
So, no one answered the question in a previous post about boric acid and cockroach control. I have what I would call an infestation of cockroaches, not palmetto bugs or woodroaches, and I am SICK over it. Cockroaches are my nemesis and I must figure out a solution to this problem. Please help!
DE kills cock roaches. Some people dislike using it, because they feel it's an aspiration risk to your chickens... however... a light sprinkle to kill the infestation may be worth the risk.
I seriously doubt any size sprinkling of DE would kill cockroaches.

@stephboden try looking thru the threads from this search result.
advanced search>titles only> cockroaches
I seriously doubt any size sprinkling of DE would kill cockroaches.

  try looking thru the threads from this search result.
advanced search>titles only> cockroaches
I seriously doubt any size sprinkling of DE would kill cockroaches.

  try looking thru the threads from this search result.
advanced search>titles only> cockroaches
well, i put the de on right away, but have been doing my best to get all my work done before dark so i dont have to see them. not sure if itbis helping or not. if anyone has anybother suggestions, let me kNJow. thanks in advance
I've read suggestions on making natural traps using a mixture of boric acid and confectioners sugar. The sugar lures them and the boric acid kills them. Also cleaning out your coop and spraying it down with soap and water and spray the roaches directly, the soap will supposedly suffocate them.
well, i put the de on right away, but have been doing my best to get all my work done before dark so i dont have to see them. not sure if itbis helping or not. if anyone has anybother suggestions, let me kNJow. thanks in advance
Did you click the search link I posted?
AART, I can't seem to find the link. I did some searching, but not sure which link you are referring to. Thanks.
I seriously doubt any size sprinkling of DE would kill cockroaches.

@stephboden try looking thru the threads from this search result.
advanced search>titles only> cockroaches

AART, I can't seem to find the link. I did some searching, but not sure which link you are referring to. Thanks.
Can you see it there?
Are you on mobile app?
The chickens will eat every roach they can find. The finding part is where you have to help. I would make some cozy shelters for the roaches and flip them over during the day when the chickens are active. They will soon learn to run and wit while you turn over the shelters and them pick them clean. Just flip them back afterward to make a cozy place for more to settle in the next night. You have a bountiful supply of live food in your coop.

I don't have roaches, but use this approach with mice. My hens will grab the young mice and eat them, so even the largest roaches will have no chance against your hens.

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