cold hardy brown egg layers

We have harsh winters too and I've asked that question- our co-op store is bringing in red sex links on May 16, there will be comets which should have a RIR rooster for paternity. Or maybe a Hampshire Red roo. The guy I rely on locally gets his birds there ans now has Red Leghorns with jumbo eggs and is going back to the same source, so that's what I'm doing. Plus the birds there are innoculated.
West Virginia! Your in the tropics! Flamingo LOL!
Seriously, I have always had Northern European breeds-go to
from still a foot of snow in Maine
NOOOOOOOOO! it came from Texas!
I am going to try Russian Orloffs this Spring. I have Cream Brabanters and they are super hardy. Since I feel I can only a small flock, I am only keeping critically endangered species right now.
I have golden comets, Rhode Island Reds, and Rocks and they all lay during the winter here in Upper Indiana. I use a light in the coop so they get 14 hours of light a day to lay. I had eggs all winter long, even when I really didn't want to go out and get they I knew I had to. (to cold and snow to deep over my boots).
We are on the coast of Maine, and as you may (or may not) know, we had a VERY hard winter. I have 4 RIR hens and they did great all winter. They will be 1 year in May. They began laying in October and have not missed a day yet!!
Comets have the Rhode Island White as dad and Rhode Island Red as mom.

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