Cold hens sleeping in nest boxes?

Literally made me laugh! Believe it or not, that's the same stubborn look my 2 year old daughter gets when she doesn't get her way (2nd pic). If your hen could cross her arms, she would! 

I can't help but love the broody fluffed up "blondezilla mode" look. My girls that I thought were cold are definitely broody. I put all three broody girls in the yard in the morning to eat and dust bath and they're in the broody zone with that look in their eyes and just chattering away nonstop. Two of them are even happily sharing the nest box and are cuddled up with each other when it's time to sit on their invisible eggs.
Not forgetting the feeding of the invisible babies!

I have a Bantam Langshan who has never been broody but probably due to a moult, is happily calling over her invisible babies to feed treats!
The rest of the flock do not mind playing babies
Not forgetting the feeding of the invisible babies! ;)

I have a Bantam Langshan who has never been broody but probably due to a moult, is happily calling over her invisible babies to feed treats! :rolleyes:   The rest of the flock do not mind playing babies :lau

That is so FUNNY!!! I love that chickens are nonstop soap opera type entertainment
Not forgetting the feeding of the invisible babies!

I have a Bantam Langshan who has never been broody but probably due to a moult, is happily calling over her invisible babies to feed treats!
The rest of the flock do not mind playing babies

I have a Speckled Sussex that is like that. She goes Broody but does not like to stay on her eggs. She gets out a couple times a day runs around like she has babies and is protecting them. She is all puffed up all the time.

In actuality she thinks she is a better mother than she is. Her eggs never hatch ( how could they she only sits on them and hour or two a day.)
She is a lapper, but if I approach the nest she in she goes ApePoop... I gave her a couple rooster chicks to try and get her to raise them, she killed them.

Next year when she goes broody she will get gold balls and cold baths. Her sister was a great mother, until the chicks were 3 weeks old then she drove them off and made them fend for themselves.

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