Cold Weather

Raptor Chicken

Sep 12, 2022
Dinwiddie, VA
My Coop
My Coop
So many threads started about "winterizing" coops or chickens. Folks really should do some research. Chickens are hearty animals and can handle temperatures pretty low, much lower than most folks realize

My 6 Hens tonight in not very cold Virginia. The picture of the weather info is from the weather station I have set up on our rural property. Supposed to get down to 18* and I'm guessing it'll probably "feel like" 10-12*.

Not worried about the birds at all. And we're not even remotely in a "cold" climate like some of the folks here.

I think 'feels like' considers wind chill?
Shouldn't be that strong wind inside a coop.
But yeah, they are way tougher than most new keepers realize.

Will you cover the nests once they start laying?

The "feels like" isn't just wind chill. Humidity and dew point factor into that as well. If you'll notice my weather station at the time of the photo there was zero wind with a peak of 2mph at some point. Basically there was no wind. But check out the humidity.

Its not windy or drafty inside the coop but other factors can make the "feel like" temperature the same inside the coop as outside.

Not sure what you mean by covering the nests?
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The roost goes over the nests and have poop in them.

Ah yes. The pictures are somewhat deceiving as there's really just one spot where they can poop on the nesting area.

But I'm still thinking about that. Whether or not to make some kind of shield for that area or just wash off the eggs.
@Raptor Chicken this is a great thread. i really feel like there should be an article written or this thread should be placed as a sticky at the top of the page.

this time of year, it seems like 10% of all new threads are about how to keep the chickens warm in the winter. i always laugh, because a few of them are in florida, or the carolinas, and they’re stressing about their 30* nights.

i can say i had all the same concerns, but i was fortunate that my coop was built by a local farmer/craftsman who has been keeping chickens here in CT for over 20 years. he gave me a heads up that they’ll be just fine in the winter. then, after reading up on here, i spoke with him and we added a lot of ventilation to my setup.

best advice is to READ READ READ before you build!! second piece of advice is that the “rule of thumb” guidelines are awesome, but the golden rule is that more is better when it comes to (draft free) ventilation and space for your chickens.
You might quickly change your mind once they start laying eggs as well as much larger poops. Happens about the same time.

The poops get larger??? 💩

I think its going to be Spring at this point before we see any eggs, so I think I might have some time to think about it.

We'll see...
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