Cold weatherIn barn coop ventilation and "hover"? PICS

Oh WOW...
I didn't even see that! Yes, it was!!! Dang... I need more chickens to get me off the computer! LOL!

I will say this... living in the extreme cold that we have, the one major regret I have on both of my coops is that I didn't insulate the floors. I may use the spray foam to get it under there after the fact. Those frozen floors are hard on the tootsies!
I think Tori is right about the foam, and you're certainly ready to get the floor insulated. About washing the coop with water- while a drain is nice and I have one (buy a rodent-proof shower drain with a removable cap for sludge cleaning) I wouldn't hose down a wooden coop for fear of mold and such. Your floor will be warm and a DRY coop is a beautiful thing. Have you considered treating the bedding withproducts like Stable Boy and/or food-grade diatomaceous earth? I use both and the bedding does not develop significant odor and is a pleasure to renew. Whether you use deep litter or clean weekly (daily), treating the bedding is absolutely the answer! Da bomb, so to speak...

You're well on your way and isn't it nice to have a life companion who is with you on this!

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