Collecting Eggs?


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2017
How far ahead of the first day of incubation can you collect your own eggs? I've heard some people say 3 days, but I've also heard longer!
Now what about storing them? Room temperature in the house? On a shelf in the shop where the temps are getting into the 90s?
Now what about storing them? Room temperature in the house? On a shelf in the shop where the temps are getting into the 90s?
Never store in a hot room----70's, 60's but I would not put them in the fridge. I keep mine on the floor, in a 72 degree house---its cooler down on the floor.
If you do not know----I have hatched over 10,000 in the last 3 years so when I say A lot---I am talking about ALOT. LOL

That is amazing! My first batch was done Friday and something is up. Only 1/30 has hatched so far. Hopefully waiting another day will answer some questions!
That is amazing! My first batch was done Friday and something is up. Only 1/30 has hatched so far. Hopefully waiting another day will answer some questions!
When was your due hatch date? If mine are due to hatch on "Say" the 10th---they start pipping on the 9th---late on the 9th I will have a few that will be hatched with the rest early on the 10th. So for chicken eggs----some pipping on the 20th day plus a few hatch---the rest usually by mid day of the 21st day. Maybe a few a little later that day.
When was your due hatch date? If mine are due to hatch on "Say" the 10th---they start pipping on the 9th---late on the 9th I will have a few that will be hatched with the rest early on the 10th. So for chicken eggs----some pipping on the 20th day plus a few hatch---the rest usually by mid day of the 21st day. Maybe a few a little later that day.

Mine were due the 9th! With the one pipping the morning of the 10th and finally coming out of the shell this morning (the 11th)

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