Color index anyone?

The site is in dutch but if you click the colors there is a translation
Thank you for this link. I would love to know the chicken colorations.... so I can study this.

To my ASTONISHMENT!! when I was googling to try to find what a "Columbian" chick would look like, a rooster that looked so similar to the rooster that I have staying here, I clicked on the image out of curiosity only to find out---it is the SAME rooster...on google, imagine THAT. Rox is enjoying '15-minutes of fame'. Under images Columbian. --- did that happen...LOL....Google is based on hits? Grant though I think he is a beautiful rooster....

I found -- guessing zilver is silver, this

which looks very much like the same pattern...

It would be rather nice if BYC did have something similar to the link Henk posted -- here on BYC for Newbies.....

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