Color mix examples for a non-geneticist


In the Brooder
Nov 2, 2015
i would like to know what sort of colors i should expect from my mixed flock if i decide to hatch eggs, but have not found information online that i can follow (especially since i usually try to research late at night with a very tired brain...).

i have a very handsome (at least i think so!) silver ameraucana rooster enthusiastically covering a black rumpless ameraucana (she came from a tailed ameraucana in a breeding program. the owner thought it was a deformity) and a buff orpington. later this year i'll have 3 salmon faverolles, too.

i would love to hatch some from the orpington because she has been docile enough to handle, smart enough to free range safely, and hardy enough to rebound from a severe prolapse and continue laying. but since it is only a hobby flock, i do care what they'll look like.

the black rumpless is a total nut. i can't get within 20 feet of her, but seeing as how she's the same breed as the rooster, i thought it would make sense to hatch hers. and again, only if silver+black will be pretty.

if anyone understands genetics well enough to answer i very much appreciate, and if anyone has photos of those exact mixes i'd appreciate it even more!
Is your hen solid black? If so then most of her offspring should be solid black too.

I don't know too much about buff genetics (iz very complicated) but the female offspring should (probably) be silver with a bit of black on their tails and neck and the male babies should be cream with black tails.
Here's some links to pics from the color calculator of what the babies could look like

From the salmon faverolle hens the female babies should probably be silver/grey with an orange chest and the males should look like your silver rooster in pattern but the silver would be replaced with a peach/salmon and they would have red shoulders.

(These probably won't be exact depending on what hidden genes they have)

Here is a cool color calculator, it's kinda complicated but fun to use once you figure it out.

Also welcome to BYC!
Thanks so much! i have tried the kippen thing a few times but really don't know what the cues mean when they're asking for inputs. that rooster has started to get quite mean, so i probably won't be hatching any babies from him! personality matters around here :p

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