Color of Egg Yolks.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 9, 2012
Texas, of course!
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, got a question for you guys - I just added two 10 mo old birds to my small flock. They have been laying a couple of months. I noticed the first few eggs I got from them are a fine size with good hard shells, but the yolks are pale yellow - paler than the grocery store eggs. They didn't have quite the flavor of the darker yolked eggs either. The lady I got them from raised poultry for sale and these birds were not free ranged. I'm sure that's part of it. They were strictly on layer pellets. I have not let my birds out to free range yet as we have coyotes and dogs around and I'm thinking we may have to put up a chicken fence at some point if I'm going to let them out. Mine do have a large run, and I give them not only layer pellets, but veggies, fruits, weeds, grains like oats, and some table scraps. What makes the yolks dark yellow? Bugs? I'm hoping after I have these new hens that their eggs will get darker if I give them a more varied diet. Plus, I wanna make sure that my other 7 younger pullets lay dark yellow yolked eggs, too. What say you?
Free ranging your chickens will definitely result in darker yolks, but I believe if you give them enough leafy greens, weeds, and kitchen scraps you will also get darker yolks since they will be eating similar foods that they would get if they were free ranging. I don't know how much of a roll insects/protein plays in the yolk color, but you can buy meal worms at the pet store to feed them- they love it and it provides good protein. I also used to give my girls canned tuna for an occasional protein boost.
Thanks, Allie - good information. THat's kinda what I thought. I've got a little patch of spinach and some other greens that I'm keeping just for them. Tuna - now I hadn't thought of that, but I'm going to do that when I see it on sale! Appreciate it!
I believe the darker yolk comes from additional keratin, which is found not only in carrots, but in all kinds of dark leafy greens, and especially in grass. My girls didn't start laying the dark yolked eggs till I let them out to graze on the lawn.

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