Colorado Chickens!

Welcome to BYC. I love turkens. Do you have some photos to post?
I also have an old hen, who is blind. My rooster, her grandson, leads her to food and water, keeps her with the flock, and roosts with her. She gets spooked very easily, but I'm surprised at how well she manages.
OMGosh what an awesome rooster.
We live in Colorado’s San Juan Mtns. We have had chickens for 5 years. I have had chickens off and on since the 80’s. The current flock is 26 birds of mixed variety’s including Turkens. One bird is 5 years old and Blind! She functions well and gets around pretty well considering. We also pasture Horses, host 800 sheep every fall (it takes them 4 days to clean up my 5 acre pasture) and we are currently fencing our property with Buck n Rail fence. The goal is to add a couple goats as weed eaters.
Welcome to BYC!!

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