
what is happening at Rock Ledge Ranch?
Family 4th celebration. Our Revolutionary War group is part of the program. I will be doing two readings of the Declaration of independance tomorrow. We will be the honor guard for His Excellency, George Washington!

Come on over and visit us! the public hours are 10 AM till 5 PM
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Family 4th celebration. Our Revolutionary War group is part of the program. I will be doing two readings of the Declaration of independance tomorrow. We will be the honor guard for His Excellency, George Washington!

Come on over and visit us! the public hours are 10 AM till 5 PM
That's cool!
In the adjacent neighborhood there are quite a few people who keep chickens (and ducks, in my case.)
Took today, tomorrow and Friday off. Packing up to go to Rock Ledge Ranch for the 4th of July.

Built a "creep gate" See the photo. This allows the juveniles to come and go, but keeps out most of the larger adult birds. I used 5 inch spacing, if i do it again, I will do 4 inch. This is because most of my Dom hens and EE hens can squeeze through. This isn't really a problem, as the turkeys are the ones harassing the young chicks. So, all is good.

Nice idea! I had thought of doing something similar, what did you use, metal or wooden dowels?
Well, if I tossed that hot blooded wanna-be-mama hen off the nest once (lol) then I tossed her 25 times. She really didn't seem to mind much. Would go outside, drink and poop and return right back to where she wanted to be. I was stuck at home, without my car which was having some work done before I leave for CA. I finally decided I was tired of getting up and down to toss her out. So I moved my folding chair out into the coop, placed it between the two entry holes to the nest box and waited.

In flounces miss mama-to-be. She approaches the nest box. I place my hand between her and her destination. This had to be the funniest thing I have ever seen my hens do. She fluffs all up, gives me the glare. Shouts at me in this weird cluck she has been doing ever since she went broody. I move my hand towards her, she backs up. I take my hand down. She moves towards the target again.
I put my hand up. She fluffs up all indignant again. This went on for about a half hour, then the car place called to tell me my car was ready and I had to leave. Came back, guess where she was, LOL.

I'll leave her there til after dark, then I'll put her on the roost like I did last night. She stayed on the roost all night last night. Tomorrow I plan on reading my book inside the coop as much as I can given that I really do have things to do.

But she was too funny. Wish I had a video cam.
I did some research on the Matrix Group, and thank you Pozees. The reason I ask is because I am applying for a survey job there and wondered if anyone new any employees. I know the Springs is a big place, but so is this company. Not the type I'm used too, always between 3 and 10 employees.
Hi Wendell,
I will! What will you be wearing so I can find you?

I will have 2 small boys with me, both will have beanie hats with propellers.
Wendy, since Wendell didn't answer, I'll try to help as I went last year. As you walk in the entrance to Rock Ledge, on your immediate right is an empty field. There will be a kind of encampment built around the edges, tents with men dressed in revolutionary war garb, and women in the also appropriate attire. Last year, the american militia (hope that's the right term) were on the north side of the field. If you don't see Wendell or Beth, just ask around, someone will know where he is.
H'm, no business posting now. Just curious too see what happens at 1000 posts
Most of them here, thank you Colorado. Maybe it means I get a party, or banned for life.
Well, if I tossed that hot blooded wanna-be-mama hen off the nest once (lol) then I tossed her 25 times. She really didn't seem to mind much. Would go outside, drink and poop and return right back to where she wanted to be. I was stuck at home, without my car which was having some work done before I leave for CA. I finally decided I was tired of getting up and down to toss her out. So I moved my folding chair out into the coop, placed it between the two entry holes to the nest box and waited.

In flounces miss mama-to-be. She approaches the nest box. I place my hand between her and her destination. This had to be the funniest thing I have ever seen my hens do. She fluffs all up, gives me the glare. Shouts at me in this weird cluck she has been doing ever since she went broody. I move my hand towards her, she backs up. I take my hand down. She moves towards the target again.
I put my hand up. She fluffs up all indignant again. This went on for about a half hour, then the car place called to tell me my car was ready and I had to leave. Came back, guess where she was, LOL.

I'll leave her there til after dark, then I'll put her on the roost like I did last night. She stayed on the roost all night last night. Tomorrow I plan on reading my book inside the coop as much as I can given that I really do have things to do.

But she was too funny. Wish I had a video cam.

LOL few things we encounter are as determined as broody hens :) They, and small dogs, are the proof that size doesn't matter. It's all in the attitude.

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