
Trst, Sorry you are having to deal with this long distance, the not knowing is the hard part!! Take a deep breath, it will be ok, just frustrating right now.

I don;t name the boys I know we will end up dispatching, to hard to pick them up, getting to know them, and then having to do the deed to them......

I too am looking at having rare breeds and Heritage, real Heritage breeds in my flock, and hopefully making them available to chicken keepers here in Colorado.
Trst, Sorry you are having to deal with this long distance, the not knowing is the hard part!! Take a deep breath, it will be ok, just frustrating right now.

I don;t name the boys I know we will end up dispatching, to hard to pick them up, getting to know them, and then having to do the deed to them......

I too am looking at having rare breeds and Heritage, real Heritage breeds in my flock, and hopefully making them available to chicken keepers here in Colorado.
Same here! If I don't fail miserably with what I have so far, that is, might be nice to utilize the space I have to try and get a few breeds that other people here in CO might be interested in. :D
I'm waiting for a friend to show up at my place while I scare/run off squirrels all dang day. My bf said he'd set the traps, which are covered in snow btw and not set.

The squirrels are very fat eating all the non gmo organic feed from my flocks. Vexing!

I have 2 extra ayam cemani roos, 1 has only 3 clear toenails but hasn't had the crow reduction surgery. I have 2 ayam cemani roos with the crow reduction surgery ;) I can't have 7 roos in 1 area (plus 3 white bresse roos).

I have 6 eggs in my new incubator from my chickens. Fingers crossed, as I haven't hatched before.
thanks everyone. I definitely will not be counting on her for anything in the future. Not even a 'sorry, I wasn't there'.
i know she feels horrible that it happened to us, but that's not enough at this point.

we named the rooster we knew we were going to dispatch... Dinner.

my stupid shift key is sticking, sorry for the lack of capitals. lol
ummm you know there is a "shift" key on the other side, right?
I understand about respecting your husbands wishes, at least your going to keep those older ones as pets? I wasn't trying to make you feel bad or anything, I hope you didn't take it like that.
Oh we are only keeping about 6 out of the 20 we have now. DH has his favorites and that is ok by me and the bantam cochins stay so they can help raise the new layers.
I am not feeling bad about it at all so no worries. My avatar is DH's most favorite hen. She is 4 years old now and never layed much but DH likes her and that he helped heal her up when we got her. She was about a month younger than the Rhode Island Reds she was in with and had been beat up badly.
The other one we are keeping is Twinkie the BO she is Itty Bitties bestest friend ever lol. She actually protects the tiny cochin from the big meanies.
I need to find a butcher in the Loveland/ Fort Collins area that will process chickens though since DH wont let me do it here.
She has definitely moved down on my friend list.
She said all the animals were fine. I texted with her last night and expressed my worry about the pug that gets stuck outside and she said she was up all night worried about her and said she was worried the whole drive over that she would find her frozen. Guess it wasn't enough of a worry to get there before noon though even though I know she is an early riser.

I wonder what on Earth she was thinking telling you how worried she had been after telling you she did not get there til afternoon.
Some people.

And folks wonder why I like my dog more than most people.
I spoke with my dad would deals with real estate law in CA and he said the seller would definitely be liable because they didn't disclose they had this exact same problem before. So I've reached out to our agent to see what his opinion is.

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