
I'm definitely going to add a Cayuga one day. I think they are so pretty when all black and then the fact that they get more white as they get older it just so fun. But I want to space out when I get them so I have a range of ages in my flock. I'll probably keep all the ducks for their full lives so I don't want to end up with a bunch of old ladies not giving any eggs. :lol: I designed my coop to be raised to reduce the footprint in my backyard and give them a bigger run at the same time. It also gave them more run space that is covered. They would probably be safe if they slept in the run but the coop is even safer. They don't like going up the ramp but they don't really put up a fight when I put them to bed. Most nights they are actually standing at the bottom waiting. Though the day I found my first egg none of them wanted to go back in. I think it scared them. :lau Here is my coop and run. And one of my dogs, Cody.
Nice coop and run :clap
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Hello, new to the area and closing on my new house south of Wiggins this week. So, the Coop building will begin this weekend with chicks due the 28th!

I was looking at fencing for my run and it seems to me that Chain link would be a good option! It seems to be more than 2" X 4" welded wire, but cheaper than heavy Hardware cloth for sure! Let me know if I am wrong.

Also, it is PRAIRIE where I am buying with little trees around. What kind of predators can I expect? I am from a heavily wooded area and we have it all there. Possum, Raccoon, Coyotes, Owls, rat snakes and of course the pet cats and dogs. I am sure hawks and coyotes will be a concern here but what else should I expect?

Thanks for your help!

More thoughts on predator control: foxes were a problem on my property at one time, but I have not seen one in the three years I've been here. Eagles - both bald and golden - were common sights 3years ago, but I haven't seen ANY for at least a year now.

I had thought at one time to get some screamin' mimi guineas. The other thing I've thought about is a motion sensitive alarm system. I think there are such systems on the market, but they are PRICEY. (Dakota Alert, for one) There are also motion/IR sensitive lights - I have some with battery operated LED lights - that might help with detecting predators. Ideally, one would have the detection system hooked up to a transmitter that would set the alarm off in your house. Like the burglar system alarms. Some people - most likely voyeurs - put cameras in their coops. Then there are those Night Eye things, of which I have a few. I thought they were doing a good job, but, as it turns out, it was my dog and her scent that was doing the good job. She marks all over. The things I never knew as a city girl. Cackle Hatchery, I think, has a very elaborate chicken coop alarm system. It costs, but reading about it will give you an idea of what's possible. I think a person could design and build one for a fraction of the cost. Anybody ever do anything like this?

Just wanted to share the green drink this am, see we eat veggies.

judo verde :). 1 piece of napal (aka cactus from Mexican market), a bit of cilantro - optional, several chunks of pineapple, orange/juice to taste/ttexture to your liking, all goes into blender. you have judo verde
no ducks for me this year... they were way messy last year and messed with chickens too... i think I'll stay with chickens this year...
somewhat off topic... sort off.
I have a large hunk of carpet free, better say several. good to cover your worm bin, weeds etc... that one was outside... it would be about say 8x10 give or take, i'm not sure, enough to make a huge worm bin cover for you chicks... they can not dig in there, worms happy and you let them when you want to. I already have mine covered with carpet. works well... and you can start your worms from my bin if you want, they are acclimated, life outdoors and such...

one other hunk is good for indoors or whatever you want it to be, is just pulled from basement, light tan/beige... good quality 12x18 or so. anyone needs any carpet? i have pad too. close to thornton/brighton/broomfield... but you haul :), heavy.

if i do not find me a taker, well outdoors over my weeds it goes :), mulch hides many a things, good to control raspberry spread and that evil bindweed
More thoughts on predator control: foxes were a problem on my property at one time, but I have not seen one in the three years I've been here. Eagles - both bald and golden - were common sights 3years ago, but I haven't seen ANY for at least a year now.

I had thought at one time to get some screamin' mimi guineas. The other thing I've thought about is a motion sensitive alarm system. I think there are such systems on the market, but they are PRICEY. (Dakota Alert, for one) There are also motion/IR sensitive lights - I have some with battery operated LED lights - that might help with detecting predators. Ideally, one would have the detection system hooked up to a transmitter that would set the alarm off in your house. Like the burglar system alarms. Some people - most likely voyeurs - put cameras in their coops. Then there are those Night Eye things, of which I have a few. I thought they were doing a good job, but, as it turns out, it was my dog and her scent that was doing the good job. She marks all over. The things I never knew as a city girl. Cackle Hatchery, I think, has a very elaborate chicken coop alarm system. It costs, but reading about it will give you an idea of what's possible. I think a person could design and build one for a fraction of the cost. Anybody ever do anything like this?
I have nightguard solar. works for me just fine. but my perm coop is like a fortnox too :), skirted chicken wire with rebar fished at the bottom and nice boulders, go pick it up wild life :) it is nice and heavy... and to do figure out to dig like a foot from it to get under
I always like a mellow rooster. We had a bantam cochin rooster many years ago and he was the bomb. Named him Scooter since he always could scoot away from my grasp under the big hens. I miss having a roo but am feeling very lucky to be able to have hens in town.
He was a mixed in chick when we were trying to get some silkies. Ended up with 5 out of 5 being male. The silkie roosters we ended up with were vile to say it kindly. My son was only 9 or so and they would attack without mercy. Had to put them in rooster jail after they tore into the Japanese black tail roo.

Getting cloudy up here and looking like some rain may happen tonight. Many many bulbs have come up in the flower beds and some are blooming.
Thinking spring has to be coming early this year.
I always like a mellow rooster. We had a bantam cochin rooster many years ago and he was the bomb. Named him Scooter since he always could scoot away from my grasp under the big hens. I miss having a roo but am feeling very lucky to be able to have hens in town.
He was a mixed in chick when we were trying to get some silkies. Ended up with 5 out of 5 being male. The silkie roosters we ended up with were vile to say it kindly. My son was only 9 or so and they would attack without mercy. Had to put them in rooster jail after they tore into the Japanese black tail roo.

Getting cloudy up here and looking like some rain may happen tonight. Many many bulbs have come up in the flower beds and some are blooming.
Thinking spring has to be coming early this year.

Yes, it's looking like spring thunderstorm weather. Spring bulbs are wonderful - so much beauty for so little effort. My Mom planted them all over her property in California, and I never had to wonder about what to send her for her birthday. Sadly, the soil here in my yard is clay laced with rocks and pebbles, and there are no flowers or even the beginnings of flower beds. Am starting with a few shrubs and trees, but the sheep, chickens, and the bazillion cottontails make growing things an iffy proposition here. The rabbits chew down most everything; I think I should be able to find a few rabbit resistant bulbs, though.

Yes, my Silkie Roos sound a lot like yours. Mine have mellowed in their adulthood, and while they are good around me, there are some here they still attack with intent to kill. They harbor grudges. I think the smaller an animal is, the bigger his attitude is to help it survive. Seems to work for the Silkies. I was thinking that about your little Cochin.

I have - and have raised - a lot of roosters, and only a very few have been social enough to be tolerable, let alone be mellow. The LS Roos are such a pleasant surprise for me, the sidekicks being the penultimate pets of all time. Moses hopped up on my ankles today and made himself comfortable; he seems to be getting up enough courage to be a laproo. His lame leg is not getting any better, and he'll probably have to have some sort of operation. I feel much better about the expense if he's going to be a good pet.

The flock dynamics are unusual here: one of the LS cockerels that cooped themselves up with the Silkies over winter has actually taken up being their protector; he not only hangs out with them, he oversees them as they eat and forage and dustbathe, and he makes sure they all go to coop at night. He helps find food and he keeps the other LF cocks from being intrusive. The Silkie Roos are perfectly happy with this arrangement, and he does not attempt procreation with their hens.

there are a number of different groups and living preference, but two things they all have in common are Abbie and me. We are part of their flocks, like it or not, and, intended or not, we are very much part of the dynamics. The fact that the Flockmaster is an integral part of his flock makes each flock as unique and different as the person keeping it. That's the way chickens are, am just starting to figure it out.

No more coyote attacks and no more late lock ups. Got my fence today, hoping Abbie can get back on duty SOON.
On the plains, definitely prepare for hawks, owls, coyotes, foxes, feral cats, loose dogs. Those have been the predators I've had to deal with & Wiggins is about 30mins east of me.

My yearling peacock is coming of age & I'm worried about getting a flight pen constructed that's going to keep him from wandering into the road in his search for "of age" hens. He had been trying to do the single hoot for about a month & it was hilariously squeaky & pubescent. He finally figured it out & has been sounding it out every so often. That is a robust call! He hasn't started the "help me" cry yet, but I'm sure that's around the corner just like the peafowl mating season. I've been lucky so far that he seems to stick around his hens & the chickens & still acts like he has to protect them, but I'm sure once the breeding urge really kicks in that'll change.


Speaking of mellow roosters, I'm sure glad mine are fairly laid back with me. Not so much with each other, though! Being separated since November didn't calm that feud any. Every time Memnoch is out at the same time Odysseus is, he turns into Teddy Broservelt & walks around with his wings out like a bodybuilder. I was surprised that Athena (the hen that's at the top of their pecking order & Memnoch's mom) & her sister Polish fight Memnoch like Odysseus fights him. I've not seen any of the Polish be aggressive like that with anyone except Memnoch. They don't even do that to Mercury. Just when I think they couldn't do something that would surprise me, they prove me wrong.
On the plains, definitely prepare for hawks, owls, coyotes, foxes, feral cats, loose dogs. Those have been the predators I've had to deal with & Wiggins is about 30mins east of me.

My yearling peacock is coming of age & I'm worried about getting a flight pen constructed that's going to keep him from wandering into the road in his search for "of age" hens. He had been trying to do the single hoot for about a month & it was hilariously squeaky & pubescent. He finally figured it out & has been sounding it out every so often. That is a robust call! He hasn't started the "help me" cry yet, but I'm sure that's around the corner just like the peafowl mating season. I've been lucky so far that he seems to stick around his hens & the chickens & still acts like he has to protect them, but I'm sure once the breeding urge really kicks in that'll change.


Speaking of mellow roosters, I'm sure glad mine are fairly laid back with me. Not so much with each other, though! Being separated since November didn't calm that feud any. Every time Memnoch is out at the same time Odysseus is, he turns into Teddy Broservelt & walks around with his wings out like a bodybuilder. I was surprised that Athena (the hen that's at the top of their pecking order & Memnoch's mom) & her sister Polish fight Memnoch like Odysseus fights him. I've not seen any of the Polish be aggressive like that with anyone except Memnoch. They don't even do that to Mercury. Just when I think they couldn't do something that would surprise me, they prove me wrong.

Ooh, nice bird! My two white Silkie Roos fought like Memnoch and Odysseus when they were young, penned, and with fewer birds in their flock. They sparred continuously. My friend used to taunt them and then run, and they would rise to the occasion, attacking her viciously through the fencing. Nowadays they have a much larger flock, and they free range - and they don't fight anymore. But my friend no longer ventures out into the backyard.

Did you see Labyrinth? Remember those fighting goofy little birds? I thought they were modeled after Polish chickens, and they reminded me of my quarrelsome Silkie Roos. The Silkie Roos rarely drew blood, though, and I did not separate them. Your Odysseus and Memnoch sound like a handful; so do your peas. They ALL sound like a handful. My big alpha Silkie hen rules the roost, but grooms the white alpha Silkie roo when he commands it. Fowl soap opera TV. Lots of surprises - and a lot of work. Good luck with your flight pen. I need to make something large to keep all my attack roosters out of my hair. Do your dogs help with predators? Just by keeping a high profile? My dog and the chickens communicate with each other, but I am clueless as to what's going on.

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