
Big R has goslings, I'm just not sure when.

BTW: I have some ducks I'd love to find a home for. I'm not a duck person but would feel horrible if they were given to be dinner. I keep hoping the duck lover from Black Forrest will have room but so far, she doesn't. :(
Yeah I called and they had some in stock, but didn't know what kind they were lol
Yay they were fine last night! Mi e is 22 inches off the ground. I'm going to see about adjusting it and adding another. I haven't put the best boxes in yet since they're so young. Maybe I should
No leave them out for now, they'll just start sleeping in them and soiling them and that is a hard habit to break (says one who made this very mistake)
Yes, what is the count? You will know when she is ready to leave the nest. She will be pacing the door of the pen with her babies in tow, wanting to get them outside.
I think. 4 of them came out to the feeder with mommy and I saw at least 2 hiding in their crate. By the time the I got the camera phone fired up they had scurried back 'home'. Wow was mom ever hungry and had some brutal diarrhea. The feeder was sitting on bricks and these babies, 1 day old, were able to get up on it. I took the bricks out anyway. Will try to get some pics, there are already people on their way to see the action

I officially have an egg eater. Likeliest suspects are Velvet the Australorp and Pidge the banty Cochin. Velvet has had a habit of pecking her eggs (she leaves a nice round hole in the skinny tip) and walking away, but not one eaten egg in 2 years. Pidge just started laying and is mixed in with gals laying eggs for the first time. I have had Pidge for about five months now but no one was laying when I put her in the banty coop. I am leaning towards Pidge. I THINK it's Velvets eggs being eaten.

Any advise/insight out there?
I think. 4 of them came out to the feeder with mommy and I saw at least 2 hiding in their crate. By the time the I got the camera phone fired up they had scurried back 'home'. Wow was mom ever hungry and had some brutal diarrhea. The feeder was sitting on bricks and these babies, 1 day old, were able to get up on it. I took the bricks out anyway. Will try to get some pics, there are already people on their way to see the action

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