
Why would a hen refuse to come off a roost? My yr old BO did not want to get off the roost today. Normally she's out by 6 or so and i just now took her off and put her outside. Her crop feels empty, but normal, no injuries that i can see, she has a soft ball size, squishy area in her abdomen....but she normally doesn't do her huge morning poo till she's out of the coop so I think that might be it... She also pecked at me when i reached toward her on the roost. She will normally only peck if you try to reach under her while she's in the nesting box. Any ideas? Things i should check? I've never dealt with a strange acting chicken before.

* I noticed a hard mass in the squish abdomen..since it feels egg shaped i'm guessing she has one stuck in there. So she's had a warm bath, some vaseline put in and around her vent, she's currently relaxing in some clean bedding in a storage tub in the house. I also gave her a little bit of leftover scrambled egg from breakfast with some crushed tums sprinkled on top and some tetracycline powder in her water just in case meds are needed.

Does that sound like a good start? I've never dealt with anything like this before.

I agree with suncatcher, you did the right thing, the only other idea I've seen suggested is to give some olive oil orally, maybe a teaspoon? Hopefully she will be okay.
So I was reading that you can put food coloring in a hen's vent to see who is laying. Anyone ever try anything like that?
I have not tried it yet, but read it on BYC thread too. Maybe the Utah one, can't recall now..... looks easy, but wear gloves, unless you want food coloring on your fingers or a day or two!
i'll try a little of that too. Thanks!

Kmatt, how is your hen? Hope there is some improvement.

Yes Chesterchook, that is a way to tell which hen is laying which egg, besides checking every 20 minutes or a spy cam......

Hatch update.... 8 out and 3 pips out of 16 possible so far. I had kept 4 ?'s in at lockdown in their own area and 1 of those hatched!!! Go figure on those hard to see through eggs.
These high altitude eggs don't seem to have the pretty zip line. These chicks need a pick-axe to get out!!! What has been others experience from Colorado eggs?

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