
The one I have left is about a year old. Was looking at getting babies, but wanted an older one to keep my year old company until chicks are ready to go into the same coop. Neighbors dog got a couple then my dogs were trying to put them back in the coop and accidentally snapped my Sunnys neck. Sunny is the chick in my avatar.
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like your dogs are great, though.

Lost one of mine to a bear a couple of days ago. In the middle of the day in our suburban neighborhood.
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like your dogs are great, though.

Lost one of mine to a bear a couple of days ago. In the middle of the day in our suburban neighborhood.
A bear? Wow. We think we've got the canine predators covered, its the badger that lives about 1/2-3/4 mile away that I get concerned about......

Had to put down one of the chicks on Wednesday. Was sick, white very runny diaarhea, and I didn't want the others to catch whatever she had. She was the tiny pullet, the last one to hatch. I do fine processing for meat, but I don't like putting down tiny chicks that haven't really lived yet. Such is the life on a chicken farm.
Another shipment came in from Yashar, only 12 this time. He sent one panope, and some black quechua olmecs and some more colloncas. Still no huastecs. The colloncas from the last shipment are doing well and out in the coop now. The little ponape chick is in chickie icu with two of its box mates. They got here a little listless so put them immediately in my now empty incubator. Originally there were 4 of them in there but one responded well to the warmth and quiet, started eating last night so had a full crop. I'll continue to monitor. The little ponape is crow-like in appearance. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous little chick so really hoping it pulls through. Last shipment I had 2 that were suffering from shipment and both were better after about 3 days so fingers crossed these guys do too. Cold is the chick killer.

Broody hen and her 4 babies are now mostly outside during the day. It's really adorable to see Mama hen with the rest of the flock and interspersed with them is 4 babies. Two are greys, one is a silkie mix ( I believe) and the other is an adopted chick from the batch prior.

I'm loving the black olmecs as everyone here know I have this thing for black chickens. Maybe its the sheen on their feathers that are just so beautiful. I know I should love the lighter ones as from a genetic pov, black creatures aren't as interesting as black tends to be dominant. But I love how the sun makes the purples and reds shine through. Hmmmm.... I think I just figured it out. I've always loved crows and I think subconsciously I've loved the chickens that were black like them.

Speaking of crows: I wonder if the reason I have so many crows around is because my flock is tending toward the blacks. Maybe they feel comraderie with them so police the skies keeping the chicken hawks away. I never appreciated the size of crows until they started perching on my chicken run posts.

Anyways, ramble off.
A bear? Wow. We think we've got the canine predators covered, its the badger that lives about 1/2-3/4 mile away that I get concerned about......

Had to put down one of the chicks on Wednesday. Was sick, white very runny diaarhea, and I didn't want the others to catch whatever she had. She was the tiny pullet, the last one to hatch. I do fine processing for meat, but I don't like putting down tiny chicks that haven't really lived yet. Such is the life on a chicken farm.

Likewise I've got security for dogs and raccoons and foxes pretty well covered. But I was not planning for a mid-day bear.

Sorry to hear about the chick. If you don't mind me asking - how do you euthanize? In case I ever have to.
Any banty fans here? I need to find a new home for a year old bantam buff orpington hen. She's a little too noisy for urban living, but she's pretty and she lays just fine. I'm in Denver.
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Likewise I've got security for dogs and raccoons and foxes pretty well covered. But I was not planning for a mid-day bear.

Sorry to hear about the chick. If you don't mind me asking - how do you euthanize? In case I ever have to.
I immersed in a bucket of water for less than a minute. The pullet was soo far gone she hardly struggled. She was listless and droopy as well. Didn't fit into any of the major chicken issues from my lists, but I didn't want to take any chances.
LF. I'll try to post a pic later today. I hatched them from shipped eggs, they came out of a BBS pen. The pullet is bigger than the cockerel. They have been sharing a grow out pen with Silkies and RIRs, and it has been an extremely peaceful pen, I am so happy with every bird in there, but have to part with some.

I posted over on the Colorado Chickens FB page that I've also decided to sell a White Silkie cockerel, because the only White pullet I have is the cross beaked one so there are no breeding opportunities for him here, and I can't justify keeping him just because he is beautiful and sweet. He hasn't started to crow yet but I feel pretty sure he's a cockerel. I hatched him February 10th from a Catdance Silkies egg. He has to have a bath before I take his picture, he really likes his FF and has a crusty face :)

any takers yet?

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