
so jealous!! I am at 30 chickens and 2 turkeys and should really stop... I have already cleaned and put the incubator away till next year. But I must admit, I have always wanted Legbars!!!!

I am over my limit and have 20 chicks and 18 eggs in the bator lol. We'll be selling most of the chicks. A friend already wants one of the legbars. I'm going to try to convince my daughter to keep a legbar instead of the EE she has already picked out. ;)
Yep, that's my craigslist. I have about 18 eggs right now, and I hate not using them.
I'm going to collect eggs Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday for trsturself, just to make sure I get all six. Most days we get three, but have gotten just one for the day before.
So how long will the hens be mad at me for the Monday group roundup for leg scrubbing, vaseline applying, DE dunking, and while-I-was-there gentle vent cleaning of their white stains?

They've decided to produce no eggs. I guess that means they were stressed.

I was nice, too. warm water, worked quickly, didn't hurt them,

I just thought with those few lifted scales, I should get a handle on anything brewing.

At least they've stopped running in circles when I enter the coop run and they're in there. They did that Tuesday even tho' I bribed them with mealworms.

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