
Yes, I have one frizzled in that pen, did you end up with a frizzled?? Cold here too, no snow..... yet! Did see it is in the forecast.
Looks like she might be. The tips of her feathers are starting to curl. I had a cochin do that before when young and then went straight later though. It will be interesting to see how see turns out.
Yes, I have one frizzled in that pen, did you end up with a frizzled?? Cold here too, no snow..... yet! Did see it is in the forecast.

Looks like she might be. The tips of her feathers are starting to curl. I had a cochin do that before when young and then went straight later though. It will be interesting to see how see turns out. 

Cool! Is she mottled? They change a lot in color as they get older, mine look nothing like they did when first hatched out, the brown is slow to feather in, so they look like black and whites for a long time.

I am working outside today, trying to rake, but the wind is not helping!
Cool! Is she mottled? They change a lot in color as they get older, mine look nothing like they did when first hatched out, the brown is slow to feather in, so they look like black and whites for a long time.

I am working outside today, trying to rake, but the wind is not helping!
She is mottled so far. All black and white. Hoping she's a girl so we can keep her.
Been snowing here for about an hour, a very soft falling snow, have around two inches on the ground. I was so hoping we would not get any more snow, I know is wishful thinking, at least til the end of April here in our neck of the woods!
I am hopeful that two at least will survive. They are now eating and drinking on their own today and can stay upright. A third is looking better today and can remain upright 50% of the time. The fourth still cannot get on its feet, and when I set it upright can't hold its head up. But its eyes are getting clearer and it's chirping. I am not used to seeing weak chicks on the brink of death recover like this. But most of the weak chicks are weak under ideal conditions. These 4 chicks were the strongest of 40 and the only survivors of the Styrofoam holocaust. When I put them in the brooder, they were seriously completely limp, immobile, and barely breathing. I was so certain they were dead or at least brain dead. Their will to live is truly admirable.
I am hopeful that two at least will survive. They are now eating and drinking on their own today and can stay upright. A third is looking better today and can remain upright 50% of the time. The fourth still cannot get on its feet, and when I set it upright can't hold its head up. But its eyes are getting clearer and it's chirping. I am not used to seeing weak chicks on the brink of death recover like this. But most of the weak chicks are weak under ideal conditions. These 4 chicks were the strongest of 40 and the only survivors of the Styrofoam holocaust. When I put them in the brooder, they were seriously completely limp, immobile, and barely breathing. I was so certain they were dead or at least brain dead. Their will to live is truly admirable.

That is a bit of bright new on an otherwise terrible situation. I am sorry you are having to go through this on a first hatch with the new incubator. It is an awful way to find out the incubator was faulty. Is the 1588 the genesis? I have used only one of these and had very good results. I have since built my own incubator which is working well now. Good luck with your future hatches. I hope GQF makes it right for you.
Oh Steve, I am just sooo sorry. I so hope your 4 make it. What a tragic way to start their lives. But they might be so hardy later on. Keep us posted on their progress!! I thought about your poor chicks all night last night. Congrats on your amazing hatch!!!!
Picked up 3 EE's at ft. Collins feed yesterday. Cute little guys. I love to markings.

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