
Thanks again for all the comments on my chicks! And hello to all the new people! Holy smokes - I take 1 day off the boards to catch up on artwork & finish marathon watching Daredevil & the thread gets almost 4 new pages!
Maybe I'll get to see some of you at the TSC swap next month! My mom bought the 2 cutest bunnies at the one they had earlier this month & there were quite a few sellers there with a lot of different animals.

I found out today that I'm moving too slow on building my new coop & my dad needs a project, so he's apparently going to start building the coop. LOL I mean, I'm happy someone who knows what they're doing is going to do it since I've never built a housing structure & I'm still pretty physically handicapped when it comes to something like that, but I have a feeling I will not be getting the look I want. I was told I could still paint it the way I want.
I told my mom, it just needs good ventilation & lots of roosting space since I won't be making 2 separate flocks anymore (unless 1 or more of these current chicks is a rooster, then I'll probably make a separate pen for them), so hopefully she'll be able to tell my dad that while he's working on it. As long as it's large enough for all the chickens, I can live with design compromises. Maybe.

Arya & Toki have been getting a little too cheeky with the mohawk twins since they're more accessible in the dog crate, so I think I'll look for another large plastic tote after work tomorrow. I'll have to skip lunches for the rest of the month, but I'd feel better not giving the dogs the ability to snap at a chick sticking its head through the bars of the crate. The dogs behave when I'm there to remind them to behave, but there's always the off chance they'll try something when I'm not paying attention.

I keep trying to get a picture that shows how much larger the Blue is compared to the Blue Red, but that little dude does not want to hold still!

Its like the Larger Blue is saying "I AM KING' and the Blue red is saying "I must lean against your hand "I AM PRINCESS'
Its like the Larger Blue is saying "I AM KING' and the Blue red is saying "I must lean against your hand "I AM PRINCESS'

It's kinda funny because the bigger one definitely looks out for the smaller one. I got 1 of the older chicks out to see how they would react with each other since I've been home sick the past 2 days. The older chick started walking towards the smallest chick & Big Blue stepped up & pecked the older chick in the face. I was surprised no fighting started since the older 2 are definitely in an ornery phase right now.


So, I was pretty shocked at the size difference with only 3.5 weeks age difference between the pairs of chicks. I'm also going to be picking up 2 more chicks from @trsturself this weekend that the phoenix chicks will be bunking with. Finally, I had some good timing! :)
Hi everyone,

I have two healthy 1-year-old fawn and white indian runner drakes in need of re-homing (raised by me from ducklings). They are brothers, best buddies, and partners. Very mild mannered, tolerant of being handled, and aren't too rough with the girls. Very good protectors and guardians of their flock. Would be great for breeding stock (their sisters started laying at 6 months old, and have laid consistently since)... or will just make a great addition to your flock.

Must have experience with water fowl, and must currently have a flock. These two are meant to live with a group. Must live near the Fort Collins, CO area (will not ship). Trying to get them re-homed by this Sunday (4/26)

(We are getting rid of our whole flock because our environment is not conducive to happy duck living. 3 of the 6 females from our flock have gotten pretty bad bumblefoot from the rocky, dry compacted ground. It is only getting worse as the weather heats up. All 6 females are going to a friend with more land that is grassy where they will hopefully be rehabilitated. Unfortunately, they don't want the drakes, which brings me here. The drakes seem to be tougher, and though they have some cracks in their feet, they don't seem to show signs of bumblefoot.

It goes to say that indian runners are small ducks, and bring more value to you alive rather than dead. It wouldn't be worth the work to process them, plus their personalities will bring you much more happiness alive.)
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04/22/15 - candled eggs last night, don't have a true candler. Used my old IPhone light. Not the best pictures but at least you can see some, here are the results:

25/42 - total in incubator look to be fertile.

From our flock - 22/28 -
BO x EE - 11/15 fertile - it was super hard to see into the blue/green eggs.
BO x EE - 4/15 unknown status based on inability to see anything definitively either way.

From our flock -
BO x Brown Egg Layers (BR, Dark Cornish, Delaware, EE, RIR and Welsummer's) - 11/13 fertile.
BO x BRowns - 1/13 - unknown.
BO x Browns - 1/13 - clear.

From Percheron chicks eggs -

BW Roo x Cream Brabanter - 2/2 - non fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna's - 3/12 - fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna - 1/12 - unknown .

Will candle again before lock down and remove any non-viables. Ok no laughing at my makeshift candler. The one I made thinking would work is not bright enough for our dark brown eggs and a good amount of our blue/green eggs. Sorry they aren't better pictures....but it is still eggciting!


Fertile from our flock - EE egg


Fertile from flock - brown egg layer


Unknown from our flock - a lot of our blue eggs looked like this, some I could see veining on easier than others.



Not sure on this egg but maybe an early death? It doesn't look right to me, need to do more research. You can check out more not so great pictures in my incubation folder in my photos under my profile. Didn't want to clog thread with a bunch of not so great shots.

PS - I have a 12 second video of embryo movement during the candling last night, so cool!
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Chicks grow so fast!!!!!! Sometimes the littlest are the more feisty ones!

Cool pictures of the eggs, and yep, those look like blood rings, it happened early on. Looks like you will be having some chicks soon! Yay!
I still LOVE that crazy hairdo the chick has Uzi. Cool the little one has a bodyguard. What kind are you getting from Trst? I hope you get to feeling better soon. There is a nasty cold going around. PM me if you are needing some metal roofing for the coop I may be able to help you out there.

Congrats on the upcoming hatching. Hoping all goes well with the little goomers.

I am sure you will find a home for those handsome ducks. I wish I could take them in but I am not set up for ducks and DH says no to waterfowl.
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