
Does molting happen only in the autumn? I'm asking because none of my chickens went through it & now my rooster is suddenly losing feathers underneath his wings, tail & on his chest/underside. I didn't find any signs of mites (still going to treat them/the pen & coop for it), so I'm at a loss as to other reasons why he's losing feathers there. He's also the only one losing feathers. The hens are in great condition.

Have a good look over him, checking his skin at the neck, under the wings and his vent. Look for bugs, or anything that might be causing him to loose the feathers. If you're feeding good food, and he doesn't have bugs, I'd say he's molting. Just keep an eye on him, and get him some extra protein, which will help if he is molting. Eggs, BOSS and calf manna are great for adding protein.
Have a good look over him, checking his skin at the neck, under the wings and his vent. Look for bugs, or anything that might be causing him to loose the feathers. If you're feeding good food, and he doesn't have bugs, I'd say he's molting. Just keep an eye on him, and get him some extra protein, which will help if he is molting. Eggs, BOSS and calf manna are great for adding protein.
I'll look him over again. I've been hyper vigilant about checking him for parasites because of the way I ended up with him. I have been thinking about changing the feed they're on since they all eat layer feed because I can't find just regular feed. If I can find something online to order, I'll be switching to that.
Well yesterday was a marathon day, it began at 5 am. When I went to bed Tuesday night we had one pip and woke up to 12 pips and one unzipping. We had hatches in waves yesterday, the first 8 moved pretty quickly once they got going. Then we rounded out the day with 4 more. The first pip ended up not hatching until almost 4 pm (they pipped around 4:18pm Tuesday) and I had to partial assist. Her shell had gotten stuck as she zipped down towards the floor rather than around. Anyway long story short, after all day of her trying to unzip all the way she couldn't. So I moistened the membrane and then was able to get most of the shell off. There was still about 1/4 stuck to her, that eventually came off and she is doing ok. The first wave seemed pretty robust a healthy, the second weave definitely seemed more small and a little more fragile.

So right now we have 12 from yesterday, two that just hatched and two more currently unzipping and a hand full in the bator still. Here are a few pics of the gang from last night.

Here is the one I assisted, so I didn't pull the shell all the way off, I moistened the membrane (it was dry, brownish/yellow) and then turned the egg over and pulled the membrane back some and the shell partial off. She was able to free herself eventually.

It was the strangest thing, in the middle of dealing with hatching etc, I decided to go check on the flock. I went out and started slopping their fermented feed into their feed pans when I noticed one of our dark Cornish. She was laying lifeless on the ground. I walked over and picked her up and she seemed dead. She wasn't cold yet, she wasn't stuff. I picked her up and examined her some. No visible injuries, my BF then started to go over her body. He tried giving her some air, nothing. It did seem as if her vent was protruding some, not all the way outside of her body but it was fairly swollen and reddish. The best we can figure is she died while being mounted by our roo. She was the runt of the litter and was rather small. It was just a very odd day, bringing in babies and saying goodbye to a flock member. We have no come full circle with our flock from just over a year ago. It doesn't seem possible that it has been a year since we started this journey.

@Percheron chick your two eggs are still in the bator and haven't pipped yet, but will keep you informed.
Sorry COChicx for your loss. But yay!! for the successful hatching.!
Hope you had more today!

Does anyone have any 6 or 7 week old pullets for sale in the Denver, Boulder area? I have a friend who is buying chicks from me and I only have 4. She wants 7 or 8, so does anyone have 3 or 4 very young pullets?
edited to ask; let me know what kind and how much $ you want for them.
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I'll look him over again. I've been hyper vigilant about checking him for parasites because of the way I ended up with him. I have been thinking about changing the feed they're on since they all eat layer feed because I can't find just regular feed. If I can find something online to order, I'll be switching to that.

All Flock is a good one for mixed flocks, males and females will be fine on it. They're good for 16 weeks and up. Just put out oyster shells for your hens.
All Flock is a good one for mixed flocks, males and females will be fine on it. They're good for 16 weeks and up. Just put out oyster shells for your hens.

Thank you! I would feel better beyond this issue if they were all eating something that doesn't have the possibility of harming him in the long run.

So, I did look him over again as I was moving the flock so I could spray & dust & clean up everything & he definitely has pin feathers coming in on his neck. Am I right in assuming this means molting? I've been having a hard time finding anything on signs of a rooster molting (everything is based on hen behaviour changes), but if I'm remembering correctly feathers only regrow during molt. He is suddenly very red in not just the comb/waddle but also the skin around them & in the area on his chest with the feather loss.

I still couldn't find evidence of parasites, but I could of course be overlooking something. I guess I'll just continue to monitor him & the rest of the hens.
I have tried to buy All Flock from our feed store, but they don't carry it, I have heard good things about it.

You could buy Cochins, or breeds that are known for their broodiness, most people hang on to their broodies, at least I do! Welcome to the Colorado thread!

Strange fog was hanging around here today, sun is finally out in full force! Birds are singing, and getting warmer by the day! Yay, summer is on the way!

Here are some of my last hatchlings, they get big sooooooo fast!

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